Chapitre I

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London, United Kingdom, 221B Baker Street, 1877

- Watson, what is happening? Why are you playing so poorly right now?

- Holmes, do not worry. I am just feeling a little bit under the weather.

- Oh, is it because of the mystery girl you have been talking about? If it is, do not let her get in the middle of the game!

- Excuse me gentlemen for interrupting you, but someone downstairs requested you, said Mrs. Hudson while opening Mr. Holmes' gigantic office's door made of oak wood, cutting them short.

- Oh, finally some work! Come on Watson, it will help you to think about something else than your dear and lovely lover, said Holmes in a teasing tone.

They both got up, stopped right before Holmes could pronounce the word "Check!", followed Mrs. Hudson in the narrow stairs and went to the living room where a tall lady was waiting for them.

She was looking out of the window, staring at the little birds singing and spinning around into the air.

She looks peaceful while looking at them, too peaceful, thought the detector.

Sherlock and Watson entered the room, and that's when the mysterious lady turned around and Sherlock could see her clearly.

She was wearing a long but sophisticated black dress and was also wearing matching silk black gloves where Sherlock noticed a huge wedding ring on her finger. She was indeed a beautiful woman, with fine features, had beautiful hazel eyes and long wavy black hair.

She was also looking very pale, either because of the lack of vitamins or sun, or it could be something else, thought Sherlock.

He then sat on the couch and kept detailing her.

That is when Watson started the conversation and said:

- Please, sit down Mrs....?

- Mrs. Thompson, Hope Thompson. It is a pleasure to meet you two.

- Aren't you married to Charles Thompson?

- Oh, I see you know my husband. Are you an acquaintance of his?

- We can say that, said Watson. I have met him several times at the same pub a few years ago and we started to sympathize.

And if I may say, Mrs. Thompson, you have a diverting and entertaining husband, added Watson along with a wink.

- Well, that sounds exactly like Charles, said back Mrs. Thompson, along with a sour laugh and a deceitful expression.

Mrs. Hudson walked into the living room with a plate full of cups of tea and biscuits and handed some over to Mr. Holmes and his guests.

- Oh, that's so thoughtful and kind of you, Miss Hudson, but lately, I have had some trouble when it comes to digesting milk said Mrs. Thompson, looking slightly uneasy.

- Oh, it is okay, Miss Thompson, do not worry about it. You can still have some biscuits, added Mrs. Hudson in a soothing tone.

- I will have some with pleasure.

Mrs. Hudson responded with a huge and calming smile and quietly left the room, making her way back to the kitchen.

- Yeah, yeah, well it's nice to meet you too Mrs. Thompson, but now, could you possibly make it quick, please?

Why did you ask for our help? said Holmes, cockily with a small smirk on his face.

- You can call me Hope, Mr. Holmes.

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