01 ~ The day I saw him

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The covers were yanked off my body, but instead of reacting I lazily kept my eyes shut. Stretching out my arm, I groped for my pillow, and grinned with satisfaction as I clutched it close to my body. I intended to drift back to sleep when a voice boomed in my ears.

"Wake up!"

Suddenly, my body was drenched in what seemed like gallons of cold water. I shot up, startled, and found myself shivering under the wet sheets.

"Argh!" I cried in frustration.

When I opened my eyes, I saw my brother standing before me, holding an empty metal bucket in his hand. He grinned sheepishly, and my irritation turned into anger.

"Jason!" I barked, as I glared at him.

Scratching the back of his head, he ruffled his curly hair, and shrugged his shoulders. "Mom said to wake you up," he replied.

"With cold water?!" I asked, furious, as I threw him a death stare.

"Believe me, I used a more calm approach the first time, but you sleep like a log!"

He dodged a pillow that I hurled his way and I cursed under my breath.

"Get the hell out of my room!"

"You should have seen your face," he teased, stretching the last word.

"Get out!"

"Okay, okay, I'm going. But if you don't come downstairs, I'm having your breakfast," he chortled.

The second pillow missed him and hit the door as he slammed it shut behind him.

Sighing in frustration, I muttered to myself, "Brothers!"


After showering and changing my sheets, I prepared to attend lectures at college. As usual, selecting an outfit was a daunting task. After spending what felt like an eternity rummaging through my closet, I settled on a pair of ripped high-waisted jeans that hugged my curves in all the right places and an off-shoulder crop top that revealed my smooth chocolate skin. My white New Balance sneakers complemented the outfit perfectly.

I stood in front of the mirror for a while, admiring my reflection and practicing my strut. Eventually satisfied with my appearance, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning, Mom," I said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek as she poured tea from the kettle. Her warm smile in response was all I needed.

"How was your night?" she asked as she sipped her tea.

"It was good," I replied, my words slightly muffled as I hungrily devoured a slice of bread.

"Will you be home for dinner?" I asked.

"Not tonight, hun," my mom said with a sigh. As a nurse, she sometimes had to work night shifts. In contrast, I worked at a small cafe near my school. As soon as I finished my classes, I donned my apron and attended to customers until late in the evening. The pay wasn't much, but it helped ease the financial burden on my mom.

My dad was another story altogether. He'd abandoned us for a wealthy French woman, leaving my mom to raise my little brother and I all by herself. Even the fact that Jason was only five years old then didn't melt my father's heart. To me, he was nothing more than a sperm donor, not a real father.

My mom and I grew incredibly close over the years, to the point where people sometimes mistook us for sisters. She still possessed the same youthful exuberance and the small waist and curved breasts that I had, although hers were bigger.

"Mom, I'm heading to school!" Jason yelled from the door.

"Bye, Tiny!" he added, calling me by my nickname. I objected playfully, annoyed at my vertical challenge. Though I admit I was shorter than my brother who was three years younger, the height was nothing short of cute.

"Call me Tiny again," I dared him as we exited the house.

He let out a loud laugh, repeating the name again.

"The only tiny thing around here is your dick," I teased, and he feigned offense, gasping sarcastically.

"My girlfriend thinks it's huge," he huffed, trying to impress me with his nonexistent relationship.

"Please, Jason. You don't even have a girlfriend, and I'm your sister! I know you like the back of my hand," I teased, playfully nudging his head. He growled, admitting defeat. As the bus arrived, we quickly got on board and found seats.

Since his high school was a far distance from my college, I always got off first.

"Here's my stop. Have an awesome day at school," I called out to him before getting off.

"Don't forget the groceries Mom asked for!" Jason shouted as the bus drove off. What an idiot!

I kicked the door to my classroom open, immediately catching sight of Abigail waving frantically. She was my best friend, and one of those exchange students from Nigeria who had joined our school the previous year. Abigail was friendly, outgoing, and full of life like no one else I'd ever met.

As I walked over to her, I spotted a guy unabashedly gazing at my backside with hunger in his eyes. It was too obvious. With uneasiness, I glanced over at Abigail, who had noticed too. She quickly intervened, fists clenched.

"Hey, pretty boy, I don't think you want to know what I'd do to you next. So you better get lost!" Abigail growled, scaring the guy away.

"Cute as always!" Abigail remarked shortly after, and I chuckled, returning her playful nudge. "Don't flatter me, Abby."

Sitting next to her, we chatted idly about our plans for the weekend. I was discussing a movie that I wanted to see, or more like blabbing on and on, because Abigail's had waned. Then she shushed me.

"But you're not listening. This movie's ratings is bad because of-"

"Just look at him..." she uttered rather dreamily, and my lips twisted in confusion.


Abigail slapped my shoulders and told me some guy named Alessio had just walked in. How did she expect me to know everybody in this densely populated institution?

She pointed to her right, her finger in line with a tall guy who was making his way to his seat. We watched the guy's back as he climbed the sloping seats in search of a free seat. Finally, his body stopped moving and he settled down, not far from where Abigail and I sat.

He hung his bag nearby, then sat up straight, me finally getting a vivid view of him. His broad shoulders seemed to relax when he placed his hands on the desk in front of him. His v-shaped jaw was without a flaw as it housed his five o'clock beard, and his brown unkempt hair looked like he'd just woken up from bed. I had already envisioned running my hands through them.

I continued to gawk at him while Abigail's words echoed in my ears.

My interest was piqued. "Who is he?" I asked. "I've never seen him before."

"Alessio. Like I said. He barely makes it to lectures," Abigail spoke up and chuckled afterwards, "He doesn't like school so I'm not surprised if this is your first time seeing him. God he's handsome! And he's British!"

My eyes were still drawn to him, long enough to catch his eye. Quickly, I looked away, feeling the heat in my cheeks.


WORD COUNT: 1217 words

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