Larry: Every Day is a Rain Storm (IxlovexBVB13)

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Where is he?

Louis wondered as he looked out the window. Louis just had an argument with Harry. Harry was so mad he stormed out of their flat into the blistering cold rain, leaving Louis to sulk.

What did I do wrong?

Harry has been feeling down lately. He had been taking long walks, and returning home around midnight. Louis didn't like the way Harry was acting. Louis only wanted to help. Louis only wanted to protect Harry.

I guess he doesn't need me.

This has been going on for weeks on end. Harry cries himself to sleep every night, and sleeps in, in the morning. Louis has tried to talk to the younger lad, but Harry usually ignores him or tells him to go away. Louis has tried so many times to get him to talk. It seems he's pushing eveyone away. Even the other lads have tried to talk to him. Nothing works.

Maybe he just needs some alone time..

A moment later Harry walked in dripping wet, and shaking violently.

"Where the fuck have you been?!"

Stay calm Louis..


"Well, you're going to get sick."


This is killing me.

"Hazza.. why won't you just tell me what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong.."

"Bullshit, Harry! Obviously something is bothering you! I tried, everyone tried, but you just won't bloody tell us what's wrong! We can't help you, if you don't talk."

Silence surrounded the two boys. Louis immidiately felt guilty for yelling at Harry. He was just so -and is- frustrated with the young lad. Why couldn't he just tell him?

"Fine.. you want answers? My mum is dead. She died two weeks ago. The funeral is tomorrow. I hope you're happy."

Louis could see a glint of tears in his friend's eyes. Louis felt himself start to tear up as well. Both boys stared at each other for a moment then embraced tightly.

I can't believe it.. Anne is dead.. My poor Hazza..

"Harry.. I'm so sorry.."

Harry didn't say a word. He simply just sobbed into his boyfriend's chest.

"Let's tell the boys. We can all go to the funeral tomorrow, okay?"

"Louis.. She.. She was my best friend.. Now she's gone.."

Harry's voice was weak, and hoarse. It'd be suprising if Louis heard him.

"I know Hazz. It'll be okay. You have support from the lads and me."

For about another hour Louis comforted Harry, and wiped away his endless tears while reminding him everything would be okay.

*A Week Later in Harry's POV* (His inner thoughts will actually be song lyrics)

It seems like every day since the funeral it's rained. Rain, rain, rain. Don't get me wrong. I love rain. But right now it's bringing me down. It's a constant reminder of my mother's death. Every day is a rain storm. Fuck this. Fuck everything..

How do I live without the ones I love?

My mum was my best friend. I always skyped her twice a week to tell her what was going on.. Now I can't do that anymore.. I didn't even get to say goodbye.. How do I live?

Time still turns the pages of the book it's burned..

Life will continue on I guess.. My mum's life may be finished, but mine isn't.. I still have many chapters to live. I'll move on for her. 

Place and time always on my mind

And hey, at least she died peacefully. I was told she died in her sleep for unknown causes. Heart attack, maybe? I don't know, but I do know she died at exactly 5:02pm. So that's the time I'm going to visit her grave whenever I get the chance.

I have so much to say but you're so far away

There are so many things she doesn't know.. I'm in love.. with my best/band/flat mate.. I gained a whole bunch of followers on Twitter.. Our new album is doing great.. So many things I have to tell her yet I can't... I wish I could speak to her one last time..

*An Hour Later*

Louis came in to our room to check on me, make sure I'm alright. I told him I'm fine, but that I want him to stay. We decided to watch a movie, and cuddle. He's been so sweet lately. Always making sure I'm okay, or asking if I need anything. Yet he knows when I want to be alone. He's the best boyfriend in the world. I don't know what I'd do without him.



"You doing okay?"

"Yea. I'm just really tired."

"Lets get some sleep then?"

Sleep sounds amazing right now. My eyes shut, agreeing with me.


I felt Louis pull me closer to him. I nuzzled my face into the nape of his neck, as he pulled the blanket up more. He kissed the top of my head and rested it there. He always uses my hair as a pillow. It's so cute. I smiled to myself finally at peace with my mother's death. For once the rain sounded peaceful, and helped me doze off. Maybe having a rain storm every day isn't so bad..

(This is for IxlovexBVB13. I'm sorry if it's terrible! And I'm sorry I killed Anne!! I didn't wanna! But I couldn't think of any other reason for Harry to be sad! DON'T HURT ME! I love Anne.. Meep.. Heh. So yea anyway I hope you liked it everyone! P.s. Sorry if there isn't enough Larry in it lxlovexBVB13 ! I could always write you another one, and put lots of Larry loving in it if you want :D)

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