You meet the class 1-A the first time✨👌🥵

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You are exited to go finally in UA and you walk fastly to the UA entrance. You are opening the Door when you hear very loud noice behind you:


You turn around and see this Angry looking blonde boy just standing there almost in your face, he nodicess that Hes so close and blushes, and Steps back.

(You)" c-can I help you whats the problem here?"
(You)" can you at least tell your name >//-//<"
(Bakugo)" im KATSUKI BAKUGO if you that much wanted to know!?"

You step back blushing and let him step first through the door. After that you go in to find your new class room.

You walk through the hallways but you cant your class room, you look your classroom paper one more time and it says ( class: 1a ).

Then you hear a loud voice in one of the classrooms, and you decide to look what classroom is it and you see that, ITS THE CLASSROOM! You knock on the door and somebody says inside "come in-_-".

You go in and see that there he is the loud kid named katsuki bakugo. The guy on the front says "introduse your self!" . You stand straight infrontoff the class and said:
(You)"hello my new classmates!"
(You)"my name is (your name)!"

The guy at the front (the teacher). Says that his name is shouta aizawa.

(Aizawa)" go sit next to Mina ashido"
(You)" where is she?"
(Aizawa)" she is the pink girl in the midle of that green hared boy and that blond boy"

You walk to your Seat and you sit down. Immediately when you sit down the girl named Mina starts to talk to you.

(Mina)"Hey! What do you think of this class in the first glance?"
(You)"I think that this place is nice✨"
(You)" so.. whats your quirk btw?"
(Mina)"oh! Its acid and whats yours?"
(You)"oh mine? Its not that special😅"
(Mina)"tell me pls!"

As you were just starting to tell whats ur quirk aizawa yelled:

(Aizawa)"now its time for P.E"

You start to walk to the classes door, and you see bakugo yelling to a guy with yellow hair. You walk towards to bakugo, and you say:

(You)"hey, Why do you yell at that poor boi?"
(you)"BECAUSE! Every living human would do this if some thing like this happens"
(Bakugo)"UGH!...what ever"

He walks away and you go see if that boy is ok, you ask him if he is ok. And he looks at you and blushes...
"i-i im o-okay🥺🤝"
(you)" so whats ur name?"
(izuku)" i-im i-i-izuku ... Izuku midorya!🙀"
(you)"what a cute name "

You help him up and you hear some one calling. You get up and walk to the P.E class.
In the P.E class, you start to change your clothes in the girls locker room.

E class, you start to change your clothes in the girls locker room

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Your hero outfit☝️

(ochacko)" we need to put our hero costumes on!!"
(you)" roger that!"

When you walk to the arena where you train every body gasps.....

Continues in a next part..... Ill try to make it soon🤞😅😅

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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