
46 4 0

Finally, my OTP has arrived. Also, there are a lot of DC ships, but Marvel, Percy Jackson nand the others I placed at the begining exist, too.

Rating: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000/10

Reason: Those two had known each other since 8 years old. And then they became the dynamite duo, both know what's it like to be in Batman's shadow. When Dick left Batman to become nightwing, he left a note to Babs, promising that he would return to her. And they've had their difficulties (cough cough, Dick's ex girlfriends, cough cough) but they've managed to stick together until the end. They also have a third wheel, which is called Wally West, who I love his fights with Babs of who is Dick's most important red head. That would be all and remember, ship Graybat.

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