Spock and Uhura

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Everyone had noticed that Sheldon and Carly weren't communicating. And Penny, in particular, wanted to know why. She had seen the face Sheldon had made when he had seen Carly in her costume and she had thought for sure that it was a good sign. Sheldon had looked as if he was a deer in headlights.

But when they had arrived at Comic Con and began to enjoy themselves, she realized that the couple was standing a fair ways away from each other. Had the costume been too much or had Sheldon said some lame ass remark that had upset Carly? Penny made it her job to find out.

"Hey girl, I saw some free candy over there. Let's go get some," Penny grinned brightly, taking Carly by the arm and pulling her away from Sheldon. She winked at Leonard as he frowned at her but he caught on and smiled.

As soon as the girls were out of eye shot, Penny rounded on Carly. "All right, what did that weird asshole do to you?" she asked, crossing her arms and looking at Carly sternly.

Carly looked down before looking towards the stands uneasily. "Nothing…well nothing too bad."

Penny snorted. "Obviously it was bad enough to make you upset, so spill."

Carly sighed, clasping her hands together in front of her as she looked at Penny. "He didn't say anything bad, honestly. I just got over sensitive, I guess. He told me that my costume wasn't correct because Uhura and Spock never got together in the older Star Trek, only in the new movie. Which I already know he didn't like…so I suppose I thought he was going to give me a better reaction."

Penny sighed. "Oh honey, that is just Sheldon. He criticizes everything."

Carly blushed. "I know I was just hoping he would have said something different…and that he would like it."

Penny waved her off. "He does! Trust me; I know when a guy likes what he sees. Surprisingly, even Sheldon."

"You think he liked it?" Carly asked unsure.

Penny nodded dramatically. "He was practically drooling, now come on! You need to be enjoying yourself. We look ridiculous and we get free stuff…and Carly, have fun with your boyfriend…Er whatever fun is with you guys."

Carly laughed and nodded. "Okay," she replied and they went off to get candy before they returned back with the guys.

Carly looked up at Sheldon who was picking through a stack of comic books on a free product table. She didn't want to disturb him but she needed to get this off her chest. She felt much better knowing that Sheldon had thought she looked alluring in her costume. "Sheldon?"

He didn't look at her at first, still looking through the pile. She waited patiently until he turned to look at her, holding a batman comic book in his hands. "Carly."

"I just wanted to say, I am sorry I got upset with you over what you said about my costume choice. I know you weren't meaning to hurt my feelings, I was just being sensitive again…and I'm sorry," she said, biting her lip in anticipation.

Sheldon thought for an instant. "You thought I was trying to hurt your feelings, when I said that?" he asked, aghast at the thought.

Carly blushed and before she could defend herself they were pushed out the way by a group of people trying to get to the free product table. Sheldon took her hand and pulled her along, away from everyone so they could talk in peace…and to get away from all of those germs and screaming idiots.

Carly glanced down at their hands happily before he let go, leaving her hand cold. "Carly, I have never wanted to hurt your feelings."

Carly flushed and shifted uncomfortably. "I know that Sheldon. I just wasn't expecting you to tell me that my costume was incorrect. Although it has been brought to my attention, that I should have," she muttered.

Sheldon smirked. "Well it is incorrect."

"Apparently," Carly replied, catching his smirk and narrowing her eyes at him, a smile playing on her lips. She leaned up to him to kiss him on the cheek, but he stopped her immediately.

"There is a whole lot of people here…you can show your affection for me later on in the hotel," Sheldon explained at her fallen face.

Carly's eyes lit up involuntarily and she couldn't help but take up the opportunity. "I'll look forward to that," she murmured up at him, making his eyes widen and his jaw to drop, realizing her intent by her words.

"I—well I didn't mean that—I just—"he spluttered and she smirked.

"Hey guys! Can we get a picture with you two?" Some kids asked, holding a camera in each hand, relieving Sheldon from the embarrassing moment of loss for words.

Sheldon raised an eyebrow at the kids, about to refuse but Carly took his hand and took a step towards them with a grin. "Sure! We'd love to."

"We would?" Sheldon asked, looking down at her alarmed.

Carly nodded up at him, "Why not? They think we're Spock and Uhura."

Sheldon thought for a second before grinning himself, realizing she was right and he sure loved to pretend to be Spock. "Okay," he said and the kids grinned and gathered around them as the apparent parent stood in front of them with a camera.

Sheldon scooted as close as he could to Carly, much to her joy, to avoid touching any of the kids. He threw up a Star Trek hand gesture and Carly followed after seeing Sheldon's. Soon the picture was taken and the kids were running away from them, exclaiming their thanks.

Carly grinned up at him, "See? That wasn't so bad."

Sheldon shrugged. "They could do with a bath, but that was indeed amusing."

Carly rolled her eyes but was now happy that they could spend the rest of their day together…and hopefully that night.

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