20 ✨

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"Hyung! Felix ran away, we can't find him!"

As he said that I heard something fall on the ground, I turned my head to where the sound came from and saw Y/N on the floor with her wet clothes, she must've heard it.

"Shit" I whispered

"Are you okay-" as haechan was about To run to Y/N I held his wrist stopping him.

"Go search around until you find him!" I whispered into his ears and let him go

"But Y/N-"

"I'll take care of her" I said

He nodded and left

I walked up to her and kneeled down on one leg.

"Go wear those clothes" I pointed at the clothes that were on the bed

"Fellix- at least he should've told me where my parents are!" She said looking down

"I'll find them I promise, you should stay strong on your feet's" I told her

She stood up and walked to the bed for the clothes

She took the clothes and went to the bathroom to change

As she was in the bathroom I called Jaehyun

"And? Did u find him?!" I tried to talk low


"Are you dumb ?! How can u lose him?!"

"I don't know I left him for a sec with men and as soon as I came back to the basement i saw all your men on the ground grunting from the pain" He explained

"Taeyong, he'll come back for Y/N I'm sure! You should protect her and the only way is marrying her, cuz he knows if he messes up with your people he'll die for sure"

"Okay go check the CCTVS and search further" I told him and hung up

As I hung up Y/N came out of the bathroom with my clothes on, she looks so good in it.

"Y/N if u really want me to find your parents and protect you from Felix there is one condition for it!"

"And what's that condition?" She asked

"Marry me"


Mafia Boy in our school || l.ty ♟️Where stories live. Discover now