Chapter Two: The Secret

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Harrys' POV

When I got to the "secret place" that my mum was taking me, I asked her what this place was. She told me that it was rehab. So, I got mad and stormed out of the car. I stomped straight into the building and asked the lady if there was a circle meeting going on. She nodded and pointed me in the right direction of the meeting circle. When I got to the door, I stood there for a minute asking myself if I should go in or not. I then decided to go in so I slammed the door open and everyone looked at me like I was a freak. When I saw someone get up I looked away because no one knows why I'm here and I know it's all because of my mother and her boyfriend. This gorgeous figure came walking over to me and walked straight up into my face. Ohhhh God, I just wanted to slap him sooo much because of my "problem". When I saw him open his mouth to talk to me, I lost all of my anger right then and there. I looked into his wonderful blue eyes and just melted. When he looked at this lady I just got all my anger back and then he looked back at me and asked me some questions.

"What's your name?" The blue eyed boy asked.

"M-my name I-is H-harry." I stuttered. Stupid nervousness!!

Then he asked me another question, "Do you know why I'm here in this place?"

I shook my head and then before he could speak again I asked him a question, "Do you know why I'm here? And what's your name?"

"No and Louis Tomlinson. What 'bout your last name? What is it?" He said.

"Styles, Harry Styles. I like your hair!" I said to him like a freak looking for attention.

"I d-didn't mean to be weird, I ju-" He cut me off by telling me two secrets that were very interesting. Then before he could say anything else, I told him my two secrets and when I was finished he looked so shocked! I bet we're thinking the same thing.......

Do you think he might.........

A/N: Hope you liked the second chapter. It's my first time writing a book so tell me how it is.
Sorry that it's so short. I don't have much time on my hands, with school and everything. Anyways, love you guys and stay awesome!
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