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Hangul fil came back with a cup of thea.
Everything went normally we talked for a bit but when the cup of thea was empty. He said "would you like to test the potion." "What" "ya know the levitation potion. He grabbed a glass flask, and said "well take a sip" i did as instructed. I felt my body rise. The blue phoenix flying with me whiles hangul fil is instructing me how to control the levitation and land safely on the ground. "Well that was awsome" i say. "Sure did a whole lot better then my first time. Yes my 3e year at hogwards we snook out to take some billywig stingers!" "How did it go" i ask in a interested tone. "Well snape didn't catch us thats good to say the least. He supposed it was harry." "Harry? As in harry potter the head of magical law enforcement" "yes well at the time we knew him as the boy who lived. And a try wizard champion. But enough about harry. The first time i took the potion i couldn't land right fell face first on the ground"

"Blimey is that the time already" i hear hangul fil say. "You must go home it's near midnight" "okay wait what about the phoenix." "I will get checking him" i hear the small man from earlier say. "Thank you" i say. "Come whenever you want. You are always welcome here now go" hangul fil calls out to me. I get in the fire and say the address of my house and the green flames take me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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