♡ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙣𝙚

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I woke up bright and early that day preparing for what was to be the continuation of the most important years of my life, high school.

I went to a jankey school for my first year but my parents decided they would like to send me to a nice boarding school about an hour away.

I did my usual routine and headed downstairs where my parents waited for me.

"Oh hey hun, first day of sophmore year today! You ready for school?"

"Yeah, I'm really nervous though. I mean it's a boarding school which means I won't even be able to see you guys much anymore..."

"I know sweets, but think about the possibilities at this new boarding school! It's the best in the world! So many people have successful careers as hunters planned for the future!"

"That is true, thanks for that mom, I appreciate you guys paying good money for my education."

"No problem, now get to your train before you're late for dorm room admission! It starts at 9 o' clock and it's already 7!"

"Right! I'll see you two when I see you, bye ma, bye pops I'll be sure to call you guys when I can." I hug both of my loving parents and they wave me goodbye as I carry both of my large suit cases to the train station.

I set my bags down and got on my phone scrolling through Instagram until someone else boarded the train at the stop right after mine. It was two young boys.

One had green hair and a green outfit, the other had white hair and was wearing a black tank top. They were both laughing and talking until they walked up to the seat I was seated at.

"Hey! Do ya mind if we sit here?" The green haired boy points to the seats right in front of me.

"N-No not at all, go ahead." I smile warmly at them as they sit down.

"Since we are sitting here, what's your name? I'm Gon and this is my best friend Killua!"

"Oh hi, nice to meet you two, and my name is Y/n." I say sheepishly.

"That is a beautiful name. We are going to our first day of high school today!"

"Really? Me too! Well kinda, I'm moving from Phoenix High. I'm going to this new boarding school called HunterXHunter High."

"No way us too!" He excitedly hops in his seat.

"Wow! What a small world huh, that's crazy. Are you two first years?"

"Yes we are!"

"Well that's great, I'm glad I met you two. I was feeling really nervous about this whole new school thing." I nervously scratch the back of my neck and smile.

"I am too, but mainly excited! What about you Killua?" He looks over to the white haired boy.

"Eh, I'm not nervous at all. School is just boring." He shrugs his shoulders and fondled with a piece of his silver hair.

HXH Yandere High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now