Chapter one- The Beginning

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The male roamed the streets. Aiming to head to nowhere. Having nothing better to do with his life, he would just walk. It was like a loop that he couldn't escape. He didn't want to be home, there was no one waiting for him. His parents didn't want him, and his sister vanished, almost out of thin air. He wanted to drown himself with alcohol, but not having money, he couldn't get what he wanted. He walked through a dark alley, it was dumb of him, but he didn't care. He looked up from the ground to only see a brick wall. He let out a groan, turning around, only to see two males. One male had his hair covering his eyes, while the other wore a mask. He tsked," Really, out of all of people, you choose me. " "Well it's rare for someone to walk alone in an alley. " Said the man in the mask. He rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with. " The males blinked, before there bodies were falling onto the ground as pieces. "W-who are y-you--" He smirked "The names Kaiser. But you can call me Kai. " He let out a horrifying laugh before kicking their heads off. He walked out of the alley way with a smirk, feeling better after the encounter.

He entered his house with a smirk on his face, but the smirk was soon wiped off his face and he froze. A small faint creak was heard above him, making him relax. Knowing that he lived in an apartment, it was just from the room upstairs from him. He only shrugged his shoulders at himself. Suddenly, small clicking noises came from his window, making him turn towards it, only to see a bright green eye piercing at him. Kai walked towards the window, opening it and letting the crow hop in. "Where have you been? " He said, walking towards his fridge.

The crow slowly started to transform into human. The male have pitch black hair that covered his eyes, he wore all black clothing, along with black boots. The male only responded to Kai with silence, making Kai hum at the male. Kai pulled out a drink, walking towards his couch and throwing himself onto it. The male pulled out a paper and handed it towards Kai, who raised a brow. "What's that? " He said, snatching it from the others male's grip. "Power tournament? " Kai then let out a laugh before giving the paper back with a smirk. "You know that we never go to those. It's stupid and a way to get your money, plus, the same people compete every year, in the end it's the same! " Kai said shrugging. The male shook his head, holding the paper up and pointing towards a certain set of words.

'Sigh up-'

Kai stared at the words, " Crow. You want to join?" He said, finally raising his eyes up towards the male, who gave him a small nodd in response. "Well that's different. " Kai said as he looked away and took a sip of his drink. Crow suddenly lifted the paper again and pointed to a different set of words.

'This year the tournament will be doing teams of six. '

Kai once again raised his brow, " Huh, that's new. " Crow then rolled up the paper, whacking it on top of his head." Ouch! What was that for!? " He growled out, showing his sharp teeth towards the male who did not seem fazed by his actions. Kai earned no response back, making him let out a sigh. "Crow, there's only two of us. Where are we going to--" Kai looked up at him and froze. Crow's green eyes peeked through the curtain of hair, making Kai get shivers. He let out a groan and a sigh. "Alright fine! But for what reason do you--" He was cut off when the piece of paper was shoved in his face.

'The winners will receive a medal and a million dollar prize. '

Kai's eyes widened as he let out an evil laugh. "Now we're talking! When are we leaving!? " Crow walked towards Kai's calendar, pointing at a date. "Tomorrow? "

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