Blinded by love - Kimizuki x reader

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No needed warnings!
    "We can't stay in this car forever.  Shinoa is looking for us if we skip another meeting she's gonna get Gruen" You said with worry laced in your tone. Looking to your side you saw Shiho completely ignoring you working on hot wiring a new car you two found.  You weren't supposed to be outside the walls but he insisted you come with him.  It was a horrible idea to skip meetings especially to go outside the walls without your whole team. You only agreed to go with him because he promised you wouldn't get hurt.  It's not like you're scared of getting hurt it's just you didn't want to leave the team with one less member, you didn't want to leave his side quite yet.  Mitsuba had grown to notice you and Shiho had something going on with each other, but whenever she brought it up you instantly denied it.  Relationships between team members wasn't necessarily against the rules but it was frowned upon.  Guren told you this before his words still sit in the back of your mind "Y/n, I'm not sure what you have going on with Kimizuki but you need to sort it out. Preferably the sooner the better.  Same team relationships can unbalance how you protect everyone on the team. Especially with you being a sniper. You can not favour on who you protect more." The more those words sunk it the more you realised you have to come clean to him soon.

  Your thoughts were cut short as you heard him sigh.
"Something wrong?" You spoke mindlessly not giving it much thought.

  "No it's nothing.  Just can't get the car to start up like I usually can" He sounded tired.  Now that you think about it.  You heard noise outside your assigned room last night.   He didn't sleep did he.

  "Shiho di-" your words were cut short.
"You're the only one to call me by my first name you know." You couldn't read his tone.  Was he angry or confused?
"I can stop if you'd like, I just.. assumed it was more fitting than calling you your surname since we've known each other a long time" You weren't lying.  You knew Shiho since this whole mess started.

  It was about two days into the so called apocalypse happening. You had just barely managed to not get caught by the vampires. Running from them had led you here.  To what seemed to be a apartment complex.  Going from door to door to see if any were unlocked you could crash in for the night you'd yet to find one.  That was until you heard a door open. Scared and panicked you turned to make a run for it.  You assumed it was a vampire looking for kids they haven't caught.

  "Hey who are you.  You aren't one of my group are you?"

  A soft voice called out from behind you.  You paused and turned around to see who it was.  Before you stood a pink haired boy with glasses. You've never smiled as hard as you did then.  You had no idea other people were out here surviving too. That's when it hit you. He said "his group" that meant there was more. You were no longer in this alone. It'd be easier to find food together as well.

  "I'm not.. I wasn't even aware others survived till now, oh by the way.  I'm f/n l/n" your shoulders dropped from being tense. This was the first time you felt safe in a while.
"Oh. Well.  I'm Shiho Kimizuki. I'm here with my sister. The rest of the guys are getting food.." his words faded out he seemed to be thinking.
You just stood there rocking back and forth from your heels to your toes waiting on his next words.

  "How about you join us. One more person couldn't hurt." He smiled after that sentence. He had a nice smile.

  Now that you look back at it. It's been so long since you saw that smile. Too long if you were honest. Ever since the moon demon company found you two plus his little sister he seemed down.  Did he not like being taken in?
"Shiho you haven't spoken since I tried to ask you a question are you okay"
You spoke softer than normal. Still half lost in thought you weren't giving much mind to your words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2021 ⏰

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