𝑝𝑡. 1

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pt. 1
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" Hoonie , wake up . ' Sunoo shook the penguin gently in his bed. Sunghoon was fast asleep, his shirt riding up halfway up his stomach, exposing his skin. A few bruises and sores from previous fights marked his body, which had always concerned Sunoo but Sunghoon refused to let him treat him. He had his arm behind his head and holding a pillow with the other. Sunoo shook his head with a smile and nudged him again, this time pinching his arm.

Sunghoon snatched his arm away and groaned, opening his eyes to the sight of Sunoo's dumpling smile. It wasn't the worst way to wake up in the morning. Not at all. " Sunny , you came over this early ? Don't you have school ? ' He asked, propping himself up on one elbow. He leaned his face into his fist, raising a brow.

The eager fox nodded. " I do but I made you and Jisung breakfast , I made way too much and my dad didn't want any . ' He held up the plate he had set on the floor so Sunghoon couldn't see what he got for him. " Ta - da ! ' Sunoo said happily.

Sunghoon has never sat up so quickly in his life, almost scaring Sunoo. He adored his cooking and greedily held out his hands for the plate.

" What do you sayyy ? ' Sunoo asked with a mischievous smirk, holding the plate further away from the hungry penguin.

" Please , ' He gave him a soft smile, earning the food back and setting it on his lap. Sunoo handed him a plastic fork and he dug into the fluffy pancakes drizzled with syrup. Sunghoon basically melted with happiness as he ate.

" Is it good ? ' Sunoo asked, leaning forward.

Sunghoon took his free hand and ruffled the youngers hair roughly, making his hair stuck up. " It's amahziunhg. ' He said through a mouthful of pancake and fresh strawberries.

The fox nervously grabbed a napkin and patted the sides of his mouth. " You're gonna get syrup all over your bed , hoonie . ' He whined, hating messes. Which was why he cleaned Sunghoons bedroom every time he came over. Which was basically all the time since he hated his own house.

" So what ? ' He grinned, swallowing all the food he ate.

" It's gonna be sticky when you sleep . ' The fox deadpanned to him. " That's disgusting . '

Sunghoon shrugged then set the plate aside, swinging his legs over the side of his bed to lock his legs in between Sunoo's tinier ones. " Thank you , ' he said genuinely, bringing the fox into a hug. He could feel Sunoo bury his head into his shoulder as they hugged, which triggered a smile from Sunghoon. Usually, the penguin wasn't touchy at all, until it came to Sunoo. He loved the small things he did. The way his head always laid on his shoulder when they hugged or the way Sunoo loves horror movies but got scared, so he held Sunghoons arm the whole time. The way he smiled at everything and always found a way to make everything better, even in Sunghoons worst times.

" You'll be here the whole day , right ? ' Sunoo asked cautiously, pulling away to stare into Sunghoons dangerously dark eyes.

" Yeah , ' Sunghoon replied with the best, most believable smile he could manage. He knew it was a lie anyways, he planned to meet up with his brother to go out gambling with some friends. There was no harm in that, right? Sunoo wouldn't know, right? It was all going to be for Sunoo anyways since he didn't have a job and didn't exactly plan on getting on. " I'll be here the whole day . Gonna take a nap and convince the teachers to unsuspend me . '

" What did you get suspended for again ? ' Sunoo asked innocently, standing to collect his plate.

Sunghoon lowered his eyes. He knew he got suspended cause he almost fought with a freshman the same age as Sunoo, but couldn't bring himself to do it since all he thought about in that freshman was Sunoo. He ended up getting beat up by a senior the freshman was friends with, and didn't fight back. He didn't want Sunoo to know he was aggressive either, he would've killed the kid if he had the chance. " The blame was put on me for a fight that I wasn't even involved in , that's all . ' He half lied.

" Im on the school council , I could get you unsuspended . ' Sunoo offered with a bright smile. The type of smile that made you smile too.

Sunghoon shook his head and slowly stood, stretching out his long legs and arms and shaking out the rest of his body. He was still pretty sore from the fight. " Nah , thanks though . ' He stood over Sunoo and ruffled his hair again before wrapping his arms around him again. " Do well in school , ill stop by to walk you back home . I don't want you going over in that sketchy town by yourself . I heard uh , I heard about a kid from our opposing school getting raped . '

Sunoos eyes widened. "I should bring over some brownies for him and his family , I bet that was terrible . ' He sighed.

Brownies can't fix everything, Sunny. Sunghoon thought with a little chuckle. Of course he would think of brownies first.

" Im sure he'd appreciate it , but let's give him some space for now , alright ? ' He let go of him and they both nodded at eachother . " I'll see you soon . '

Sunoo stepped out of his room, wishing him a goodbye. " Bye , hoonie ! Make sure to stay out of trouble ! '

" I will . '

I lie too much to him.


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