Date with a demon (part 2)

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Have you ever had a date that was... out of this world?

No,like literally.

Once we were far enough from the shack he snapped his fingers and the once familiar swirling darkness now surrounded me.

We were...back in my subconscious?

Then that same bone-chilling cackle rang out through the darkness once again.

"Yes, because I know that Pinetree and his sister just gave us a head start , they would try to find ,and then spy on us ...eventually"his voice boomed through the darkness.

"You know...I would prefer to talk to someone face-to-face on a... date" I replied,not feeling to secure about being blind in a isolated location...with a demon.

...Geez...multiple red flags all at once...might as well call me miss Valentine.

"Relax, I would never hurt my queen, my everything" he said ,and then I heard his iconic snap.

Suddenly y/f/c candles were lit and floating in the air and I could see a table with 2 chairs and a red table cloth over it.

Bill was sitting in one of the chairs,looking at me.

I could only see as far as the area around the table,so there was still the darkness around me but with accessories and nearby light.

No windows,no walls,no doors...and nowhere to run.

The floor was covered in red roses and...white powder?

"You seem to like the color red"I said,trying to break the ice.

"Well in the spirit of Valentines day-" he began.

"It's not Valentines day"I interjected.

"Reality is an illusion."

I didn't know how to respond that.

He cackled again.

That maniac,shrill cackle gave me goosebumps.

I sat on the other chair, facing him.

I felt like I had just sat down with Hannibal Lecter.

"So...are you hungry?" he said.

"No,not really",I just wanted to get this date over and done with.

He snapped his fingers and suddenly there was a plate full of y/f/f.

"Y/f/ did you know that was my favourite food?"I asked.

"I know everything,remember?"

"Oh...right"I said,fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Go ahead and eat ,my queen."

The way he said 'my queen' sent shivers down my spine and at the same time just creeped me out.

I eyed the food skeptically.

Wait...why isn't he...

"Why aren't you eating?" I asked.

"I'm not hungry,just eat y/n it's not like l...poisoned it "he replied, a smirk tugging at his lips. silent alarms are going off everywhere in my head.


He did something to the food...

He sighed..."I guess we have to do this the hard way."

He snapped his fingers ,and suddenly I had no control over my own.

My fingers reached for the knife and fork in front of me.

I fought it ,but his power was way too strong.

I don't know why I ever thought that this would be a good idea.

My will power wasn't strong enough against the demons powers.

Man,being able to summon lightning now would really help...

I put food onto my fork.

Bill had poisoned the food ,and I stupidly fell right for his trap.

His evil cackle escaped his mouth again.

"I don't know why you are resisting...especially after all the trouble that I had gone through for our special night"he said,gesturing to the rose petals and white powder.

"B-bill p-please don't" I said trying to resist his powers,but it was useless.

He had won.

"No-ones coming to save you now,you are for all of eternity."

I raised the fork full of poisoned food ,up to my mouth.

Wow...what a way to go...

I pictured what my grave stone will read:

Y/n L/n

Loved by lots

Death by Y/f/f

Bill snapped his fingers again,my hand was paused,the food on the fork an inch from entering my mouth.

I was still frozen.

"Y/n believe me this is the only way...if I can't have you...nobody can,"he said scowling and smiling like a serial killer.

"'I never ever knew what you saw in Pine tree...that pathetic ,spineless wimp...I mean compared to me... who at least had the DECENCY to show the love of his life that he is a true warrior ,I mean HONESTLY do you think that PINETREE of all people would scatter the ground-up bones of his enemies around the table like me...a true gentlemen."

Bones...wait that's that white powder on the floor.

This is what he thinks a gentlemen is ?

He's insane.

"You sick-" I started, but was interrupted with an angry scream that came from neither Bill nor me.

Bill turned around completely surprised once he had heard it , I was still frozen so I was looking at Bill in front of me and the huge pile of burning bright blue flames behind him.

"BILL GET AWAY FROM THE PRETTY LADY!!!" the scream boomed from the fire.

Wait...that southern accent....I know that accent...

The flames dissipated and out emerged the one and only Gideon Gleeful.

Except...he didn't look so gleeful anymore.

His eyes had now changed to a fiery red ,and his hand was clutched tightly that a necklace?

"Amulet" Bill said reading my mind again, slightly annoyed.

A/N ~ Hi y'all , will try updating this book every Saturday. 

Sorry for the long wait, I graduated last year  and have been  getting my new life together,also  moving countries soon.

This story will definitely be finished this year.

I will see y'all in the next chapter.  

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