the inplaxtion

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Dennis Reynolds was perusing his local park: Fairmount Park, with an empty dog lead to use as a prop to attract the attention of a woman with heaving breasts. It was a nice day. It was sunny. There was no rain. Dennis leaned upon a tree: a Downy Birch tree (Betula pubescens), and signed. It was a sign of longing and of frustration. He had been coming to the park: Fairmount Park every days for a weeks. It was becommming tiresome and Dennis did not care for it. Little did he know the galactic tyrant, Frieza was on his way to i Earth to wrexl havoc upon his best enemy, Golku. Dennis looked at the sky and saw a bright, burning light heading to the floor at a lot of speed. Maybe 200 mph. He signed again. The plane crashed near a lake in Fairmont Park. It was dyed a deep Ruby green and was appoxunstely 20 metres deep. There was a row of houses to the left of the lake and they were painted a multitade of colours. Blue, and Green ETC. Denniis walked over to it, curious and aeroused. Frieza opened to door of his craft and it feel of the hinge.

"Bloody hell" shouted Frieza, perturbed. He glanced around the pArk: Fairmount Park and noticed all the plain people running in fear from the burning reckage that had just tumbled from the space. Amongst the fear and chaos and fire and things Frieza noticed a man leaning against a tree. What a pretty man, Freiza's thought was that he was nice looking. Maybe my rowenge can wait, for now at least. Dennis Reynolds was too busy looking into a mirror at his own reflection to notice Frieza float over to him and tuen into his level 4 form.

"Hey Frieza" said. "You look cool" said Frieza.

"Thanks" said Dennis.

"What kind of music are you in to?" Asked Frieza.

"Oh you know, cool things like Slipknot and Sustem of a down and The Rasmussand things. Not of that corporation Justin briber bullshit" said Dennis.

"That's so cool" said Frieza putting on his white lipstick and putting on his earrings to impress Dennis Reynolds.

"I like your strong white arms0 said Dennis, who has a weird chin.

"I like your chin" said Frieza. "I like music like that too. We are so similar" said Frieza.

Frieza than moved closer to Dennis.

It was then that they heared a sound of a skateboard. It was Bart Simpson.

"Haa haa" said Bart.

"I have a boat where nobody can interrupt us" implied Dennis, stroking Freiza's bulbous purple cranium.

"I'd like to see it" retorted Frieza.

So than they went to the boat and on the boat Dennis locked the boat door so that Frieza felt safe and warm.

"Thanks for locking the door. I feel safer now that that that bully Golki is outside." Responded Frieza.

"I'm cold. Come here." Said Dennis.

Frieza then went up to Dennis in the bed to warm him with his body.

Freiza's body was warm because he has the blood of a reptile, like a snake.

Dennis placed his hand gently on Friezas calf and gently careened one of his plumb-coloured knee nodules.

That's nice" replied Frieza. He then felt Denise's hard diamond nipples.

"That's nice" said Dennis who slid his hand under his jeans to feel his throbbing peach-coloured member. The boat smelled like old candles with a hint of whipped cream.

"I WILL SEX YOU LIKE THE BURNING OF A THROWSAND SUMS" said Dennis as Frieza also started playing with his erect white tail (which was like his wiener). They were both having a nice sexy time until Frieza accdoentally finished on Dennis's knees.

"That's okay" Said Dennis. "I Know your species can do it twice.

And then they cummed into the boy ( Bart?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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