Z-24: Arrived

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Jennie Pov

We are somewhere in the middle of the forest. It's already night and everyone is already sleeping except Lisa and I since it's our turn to guard the campsite.

She sitting in the roof of the van with her feet hanging since the van is too high to reach the ground.

I sat beside her and she was busy looking around that she didn't notice that I sat beside her.

"Does my presence can't get your attention?" I asked her which made her look at me.

"Huh?" She asked confusedly and she tilted her head a bit.

"Nothing." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"You are now the mother of my child." She said that made me choked in the air. She patted my back and chuckled.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I slapped her arm which made her more laughed.

"I'm talking about Ella." She answered.

"Since when she became your child?" I asked with one raise eyebrow.

"Since her dad asked me to look for her. After this apocalypse, I'm going to adopt her and give her a normal life wherein she will forget that this shit happen." She looked up to sky with a wide smile plastered in her lips.

"Are you that serious about taking care of her?"

"Yeah, will you do the honor to be her mom?" I smacked the back of her head and she jusy burst out laughing.

"Why you keep fooling around? You are so annoying." I flicked her forehead and she hissed in pain.

"I love to annoy you. Your cheeks are puffing and you gritting your teeth like a cute little kitty." She grab both of my cheeks and squeezed it. "Wow! It's so fluffy like what I expected."

I stare at her blankly but she just ignore the looks I'm giving her because she is enjoying playing with my cheeks.

"I met your cousin when this apocalypse happen in our school." She said as she let go of my cheeks.

"Who? Taehyung? Namjoon?" I asked.

"Taehyung. He bumped to me when I was running to building D. I didn't have a chance to tell him to run at building D because I was busy catching the zombies attention."

"Do you think Taehyung and Namjoon is still alive?" I asked with the hint of hoping in my voice.

"They probably are. I didn't know Namjoon at all and I only see him a couple of times in YG. However, I bet him and Taehyung is still alive since the two of them are well built and strong." She answered.

I was about to response when suddenly we heard the cans they hanged made a noise that alarm us.

Lalisa quickly stood up in the roof of the van and she use the flashlight to check our surrounding.

I looked around and didn't see anything.

"Maybe, it's air but we didn't feel any air when we heard the sound." I told her and she nodded.

"You should stay here and look around. I'm going where we heard the sound from." She said which made me glare at her.

"Stop being a hero sometimes, could you?" I jumped off from the roof of the van and went where we heard sound from.

My breath hitched and I stopped on my tracks when I saw a lot of zombies standing infront of me.

The zombie are few steps away from me. Luckily, their is rope that preventing them to enter our campsite.

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