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Arabella was never queasy when it came to seeing blood

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Arabella was never queasy when it came to seeing blood. She could watch graphic horror movies that contained all of the gore in the world, and not even flinch. She was extremely used to seeing disturbing photos throughout her time in school and at work.
Blood and gore became one of her most common daily occurrences that she had witnessed in pictures and videos. She had not yet seen a tremendous amount of blood in person, nor did she ever want to. Blood was something that she could deal with seeing on a daily basis as long as it was not directly in front of her. She hadn't been in a situation where she was ever deeply disturbed by blood, considering she was given no choice but to stab her own father with a kitchen knife.

Arabella hadn't had a session with Lucas since last week. Her and Evelyn had decided that seeing Lucas three times a week could overwhelm his mind and put the case at risk of failure. Arabella didn't want to take her chances with the downfall of the sessions, so she agreed to make Wednesday their specific day for sessions. As she got herself up out of bed at nearly nine o'clock in the morning, she ate a balanced breakfast while watching the news. Most twenty-three-year-old women do not particularly enjoy watching the news anymore, considering most of it is now full of murder and sex trafficking. She clicked through the news channels, finding nothing that peaked her interests, so she had decided to eat her breakfast in silence.

After showering and getting herself dressed, she found herself in the same spot that she was in last week. Staring at herself in the mirror, wondering if Lucas would ever take her seriously. Their last session went fairly well, so she was trying to remain hopeful for today. Minus Lucas's confession, stating how badly that he wanted to cause Arabella pain, she thought that their relationship was improving. As she pulled herself away from the mirror, pulling down her tight, black pencil skirt, she made her way over to the door. She opened her door, quickly checking for any mail to bring in from this morning. To her surprise, there was a package propped up next to the pile of mail that laid on her welcome mat.

The odd thing about this package was that when she had picked it up, there was no postal stamp, sending address or any signs on whom the package may be from. Her name was written in big, bold letters on the top of the package, the handwriting was messy but clear. It was relatively small, almost resembling the size of a small tissue box. She sighed, bringing the package inside, along with her other mail. She had approximately ten minutes before she had to leave, leaving her wiggle room incase of morning traffic. She knew how precise Lucas was with his timing, and she didn't intend on allowing a package to make her late. She placed her mail on her kitchen table, placing the package right besides them. After going into the kitchen to grab scissors, she pries open the small box with ease.

Inside of the box was a medium sized black, velvet baggie. There wasn't much explanation to what the baggie contained, but she went ahead and shook it anyways. She heard contents thumping around in the baggie, the sound resembled chewable candy.
Her eyebrows raised in excitement as she realized that her mother may have sent her some homemade caramel chews. The packaging wasn't entirely up to her mother's usual standards, which did cause Arabella to be slightly on edge about the whole thing. She placed down a paper towel before she unraveled the contents of the baggie, not wanting the caramel chews to fall onto her table without protection.

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