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Y/n was finally done with school for the day, she stopped by a park so she can draw there. She sat on a bench, took out her sketchbook and pen and started sketching. She just drew whatever came to mind.

It was 1 PM, she didnt want to go home, she took out her phone and searched "jongseob" on Google. She wasnt "stalking" him or whatever, she wanted to draw him, she thought it would be a good idea to draw a bunch of portraits.

30 minutes later.

She was already done with the sketch, she was pleased with how it turned out. Y/n packed her things and started walking back home. The park wasn't that far away.

At the fnc building

"Bro jongseob bumped into that girl we saw yesterday" intak told keeho, "who?? Y/n?" Keeho asked, y/ns dad was also a very big person, he worked at fnc entertainment and everyone respected him, the grocery store is just a small side business.

"Yeah y/n" Intak nodded, taking a seat next to his hyung. "How old Is she?" He continued asking questions, "idk probably around your age" keeho mumbled, he was too sleepy. He couldn't process shit rn.

"Guys we can go back to the dorms now" Jiung clapped twice, "yes finally" keeho cried out. "We weren't even here for that long?" Jongseob looked at the leader. Only getting a shrug in response.

"Let's go" their manager said, getting the car keys.

Back to y/n

"Yes dad?" She answered the phone, "your shift starts at 2PM, I'll give you your money today" y/ns dad said, hes been paying y/n because of her work at the grocery store. "Okay dad, also when are you coming home?" She asked.
"Ehh maybe around 10pm, but I'll see you at home, bye bye" he said before hanging up.

"Damn okay" y/n muttered, turning her phone off.

convenience store [KIM JONGSEOB]Where stories live. Discover now