Pokemon Academy Forum <<OPEN>>

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You've all been accepted into the best Pokemon Academy in all of the regions! You can only have one Pokemon to begin with, and you have to train one specific type. YOU DON'T HAVE THEM WHEN WE FIRST START OFF. YOU GET THEM WHEN YOU GO INTO THE ACADEMY. NOT TOO MUCH OF THE SAME TYPE OR SAME POKEMON.  IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE AN ACTUAL STARTER. 

Age: (10-15)
Type: (This is the type you were assigned to train when you took a personality test to get in.)
Pokemon: (Only one to begin with. You don't get this until later on.)

Name: Autumn
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Looks: Long, wavy, pale brown hair, pale skin, blue eyes and extremely thin. Wears nerdy glasses, an elbow length thin stripped light blue and white stripped shirt, and jean shorts. Doesn't wear shoes.
Type: Dark
Pokemon: Eevee (It is required she evolves it into Umbreon)
Personality: Bubbly, shy, kind, quiet, polite, clever and smart. Is easily upset and gullible. Super geeky and nerdy.
Other: Loves technology, hacking, programming, anything like that. Is also a bookworm and an artist.  
If you actually read this, put "Charm" with your forum

It's be cool if we all had different Pokemon to begin with. So...

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