10. Reverse Psychology.

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Regina scoffed, a smirk on her face "You? You want to help us? Not a chance, Legolas" Red's brows furrowed in confusion "Who is Lego-" "It's no one, just another fictional character" MM stopped her, Red slowly nodded, MM looked at Regina with a look asking for an explanation "Emma showed me the Lord of the Rings trilogy" MM lightly jabbed Regina's side, gesturing to Red who looked to be extremely confused "Do you swear on the person you love the most..that you will not kill us?" David said, fingers drumming along the hilt of his sword, Red eyed him before slowly nodding "Swear on them" Regina said, glaring at her "I swear..on Felix". They all looked at her, then to each other, having a silent debate on whether they thought she was lying or not "Felix..? You mean Pan's-" "Yes..but it wasn't always that way..no, me and Felix were together long before Neverland" MM tilted her head "You and Felix came here together..?" Red shook her head "No..me and Felix were orphaned and put in a home together, we shared a room and one night..I guess I just woke up alone, the house mother just thought he ran away..he didn't-..I saw the Shadow take him, all I could do was watch..since then, I made it my mission to find out where the Shadow took him..I found out it took him to Neverland, a place where every child dreamed of" Red sighed, her eyes closed "But..in this version, Pan wasn't what your people made him out to be..Pan is a demon trapped in a boys body, he manipulates, destroys, and fixes ones happy ending..nothing he says is true".

"I know exactly where she put her heart..come with me" Pan held his hand out for Hook to take "And I'll show you" Hook held his gleaming silver amputation out to him, Pan smirked and scoffed, taking the metal in his hand, Pan pushed him and Hook from the ground, taking flight to their destination.
Pan landed gracefully on his feet, along with Hook "We're here.." He said, Hook looked around, examining the place "Well?" Hook said, Pan glanced at him "Where is it?" Pan smirked, going over to a large and decaying tree "It's here.." He pointed, turning to Hook with a larger smirk on his face "I helped her hide it, you know? I used an enchantment spell on it, which only I can break.." Pan waved his toward in front of the tree in one slow movement, a green glow emitted from the front of the tree and very slowly a small, wardrobe door appeared. Hook raised an eyebrow, going to open the small door, Pan gripped his wrist "You think it's that easy, don't you?" Pan let go of his wrist "It was designed to act like the Echo Caves, you say your darkest secret and it opens..care to go first, Captain?" Hook sighed, he licked his lips "My secret is..that I love Emma Swan" Pan chuckled, he sighed "That's not a secret..try harder, Captain" Hook rolled his eyes "It's something I realized..after Rumplestiltskin killed my first love, I thought I wasn't capable of love..Emma proved me wrong" one of the door's locks opened "Your turn, boy" Pan smirked "I..am in love your little sister". Hook glared "You will not have her.." He spat, eyes glancing at the wardrobe which opened itself up, a bright, red glow emitted from the small space, Hook immediately grabbed the prized object, being careful not to clutch it too hard "Take me back to her.." Pan seemed to glare at the man, his lips tucked into a straight line "And what if I were to say no? Not until you allow yourself to accept my love for her.." Pan leaned in, a taunting smirk on his face "What's it going to be..mate?" He spoke, in a smooth voice "Remember I got the upper hand, either way..I get what I want..for (Y/n) to stay alive..long enough to see the end of this all" Hook sighed, glaring at Pan "Fine..but I swear, if you hurt her in any form..the deal's over".
Pan and Hook arrived back where (Y/n) was "Care to do the honours?" Pan held her heart in front of the pirate, he said nothing and grabbed the vital organ. Hook eyed the beating object in his hand, he looked up at his unconscious sister, and slowly raised the heart to her chest, and placed it back inside. Pan and Hook stepped back a few, the light glow of the magic dissipated into thin air, gravity took over and (Y/n)'s body almost fell to the ground, if it weren't for Pan's quick movements.

Pan gently laid her on the ground, he went back to stand near Hook "Remember, Jones..the deal stands unless I lay injury to her- mentally or physically..until then..stay-" Pan was cut off, after hearing an abrupt gasp for air, followed by a wave of coughs "(Y/n)..!" Hook kneeled down to her, a hopeful and relieved look in his blue eyes "God, I was so worried.." He grabbed her hand and held it "..Killian..?" Her voice, holding a smooth yet slightly rough tone to it, he froze, and looked up at her slowly "You..remember..?" His face seemed to twitch, a smile formed on her face and she sat up immediately and brought him into a tight hug, he hurriedly wrapped his arms around her smaller frame, hugging her with a firmer force.

Pan's eyebrows furrowed "So, her memories came back.." He muttered, quietly, his eyes darting up to the rare moment in front of him "Killian..I have another offer for you" they both stopped, Hook looking up at Pan "What?" the corner of the boys lips turned upwards "Passage off the island..with Henry" Hook stood slowly, helping (Y/n) up "What do I have give you..?" Killian had the slightest feeling he knew where this was all going "Her..". Hook felt his sisters grip on his leather coat, it tightened "I already told you..I'm not giving her up to you, not this time" Pan laughed, dryly "But you wanted my help to get to her heart first, I gave you my assistance..now it's time for you to pay up" he said through his teeth, leaning forward "Here, to make it sweeter..I don't usually do this, but today's your lucky day..what would you rather have love from Emma, by saving her boy? Or mutual feelings returned from your beautiful sister?" Pan's mouth lifted into a full smirk, eyebrows arched "That's all you ever wanted..right?" Hook's eyes darted to (Y/n) then back to Pan "Killian.." His attention turned back to his sister, a pained gleam in her soft, (e/c) eyes "Emma will get Henry, have faith.." Pan continued to smirk, knowing Hook's decision.

Killian slowly pulled himself away from (Y/n), he sighed "..You- get what you want, boy.." Pan smirked, seeing (Y/n)'s reaction to his answer "You're a fake..!" She started to shout in anger at Hook, Peter started to pull her away "You're nothing but an insensible liar!" Hook closed his eyes, pain etching his features "It was pleasure..mate" Hook collapsed onto his knees.

(Y/n) kicked and thrashed, eventually sinking from Pan's grip, her body falling limp to the ground "Why..?" Her (e/c) orbs were rimmed with a rashy red, her eyes tinted pink from being bloodshot "He doesn't love you as much as I ever would, darling" Pan kneeled down, gently grabbing her chin and pulling her gaze to his green eyes, glistening tears flowed down and over her sharp cheekbones "Why have him..when all you need is me and the Lost Boys?" His smooth voice, tantalizing her mind, Pan sighed smoothly, a green smoky substance came out of his mouth, (Y/n) breathed it in without knowing "You're mine, and I'll always be what you'll ever need".

A/n; updates are going to be kinda slow, starting now..I'm in and out of writer's block, so bear with me..I'll get them up as fast as my mind/imagination can think of.

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