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Taehya found herself standing outside of  Bangtan Girls College!

(soneyondan means boy scout- me sowwie for forgetting it in first chappie)

Its around 12:05 pm-

Isnt it the time when the bell is suppose to ring and the college is suppose to be off for the day-

But there was no sign of bell ringing.. And no sign of students coming out from the college...

Taehya sighs...She has a class at 1 pm... She cant stay here for long...

She goes near the canteen which was just outside the college and bought a soft drink-

The college bell rang-

Students ran out of the college!
Parents who were standing outside...
Took their children with them and head for their home!

Some students come out slowly...

One by one everyone head towards their house...

But there was no sign of the bunny girl-

Kim Taehya sighs !

So the bunny girl didnt come?

'Is she okay? She isn’t sick right?' Kim Taehya asks herself...

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