It is Monday morning and you are not ready for school it just be boring

Your schedule is
Day 2:

!for this story the nj boys live here too and so does Mariano aka thatwhitelatino!

I got changed into this outfit because it's Monday so who can be bothered And left you hair out

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I got changed into this outfit because it's Monday so who can be bothered
And left you hair out

I got changed into this outfit because it's Monday so who can be bothered And left you hair out

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Like this

You fed your dog and changed his water then let him out onto his little field said bye to your ma since she was leaving to go do some work on her house in Italy and hood in your car to go get a salad and a smoothie for breakfast

You fed your dog and changed his water then let him out onto his little field said bye to your ma since she was leaving to go do some work on her house in Italy and hood in your car to go get a salad and a smoothie for breakfast

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This is your car by the way

-Phone rings: RoRo 💍💅 -
Y: heyy bestie
R: wassgood bestie where are you
Y: immm in alanta
R: stop playing
Y: I just got food I'm omw to school
R: okkk pick me up at McDonald's
Y: so fat
R: shut up you got food too
Y: I got a salad and a smoothie
R: fair enough but just hurry up
Y:ok bye
-call ended-
You blasted say it through the speakers and went to pick him up

*high pitch* SAY IT

you laughed and Roshaun posted it on his Snapchat story

R: I will never get over this car
Y: sameee I'm getting a new one soon this is getting kinda old
R: OLD? girl pass me the car
You both laughed
Y: you know what I mean I'm just gonna get something new
R: sure
You both ate and got to school

You got out the car and walked over to Roshaun a friend group
M: mattia
Ale: Alejandro
A: alvaro
K: kairi
M: hey sexy
Y: roshauna mattias talkin to you
M: say my name again
Y: you heard him
-you knew mattia was talking to you but everyone knows he's a player and he's been tryna get at you for ages now-
R: no
He started laughing
You started laughing at his laugh
Y: you sound like a witch
M: Sai che mi vuoi
Kairi looked up in shock
You walk to him look up at him and grab his face pretending to kiss him then swerve and said in his ear
Y: Mai
Mattia was silent still in shock from what just happened
Kairi was laughing
R: i don't know what happened but mattia just got rejected in the kindest way

The bell rung so you decided to go to class
You had maths with mar
Y: hola perra
Y: what are we meant to be doing
Mar: algo de álgebra
Y: questo insegnante è inutile lo stiamo facendo da un minuto caldo
T: it is rude to speak a language I don't understand in MY classroom
Y: so learn the language
Mar: for real
T: don't give me backchat miss Banks
Y: I didn't you told me to stop speaking in my third language
She said nothing and walked off
Mar: how many languages you speak
Y: my first was patios which is technically not a language even though some of the words are different or whatever
Mar: that's why you have the accent
Y: right
Mar: what about the others
Y: italian then Spanish them English
Mar: in that order
Y: yep
Mar: don't you get them mixed up
Y: not really unless I'm in a group where they're speaking both italian and Spanish because they're kinda similar
Mar: ohhh you should teach me italian I didn't know it was kinda the same
Y: Yh like friend in Spanish is amigo in Italian amico
Mar: oh word?
Y: Yh but I'll teach you another day
T: stop speaking we're starting an exam
Me and mar just talked nearly the whole way through and started walking to next lesson which was music.
This lesson was basically a free period where we did whatever we want I got there surprisingly early and just put in my AirPods and covered it with my hair.
Mattia walked in with this boy I think he was new and his name was dejuane. They sat at the table I was on and we all waited for the teacher and mattia introduced him to the group.
So today we will be using the practice rooms but if there is any sort of mis behaviour we will be straight back in the classroom. I'm going to split you into groups everyone stand at the back of the room and we'll get started.
M: if we're not in the same group switch when we leave
Y: I loved her too hard she left me here with this guitar- what
M: where u listening
Y: I'm listening to a boogie
M: oh I said-
T:be quiet I'm going to call you name and point you too a table it will be groups of four
Roshaun got called into one group, then mattia then dejuane
T: and lastly for this group hmmmmm, Addison
She started jumps
Y:what is sheee.... Okk
T: actually no y/n
A: why I'm fine working with them
T: by your reaction you won't be doing much working
Y: Yh go work somewhere else thirsty af
T: none of that language in here
Y: puttanna
You all left too a practice room
If you don't know what a practice room is, it's just a small room with a instruments in it like a piano keyboard guitar speaker just stuff for music

R: who's doing all the work
Y: Yh I can't fail any classes this year my mom be scary
R: I've always been scared of your mom
Y: I don't blame you
R: so Fr who's doing it
Y: I don't know nothing about music
R: I've heard you in the shower
M: u have
Dejaune laughs
R: I'm her bestie duhhh
Y: weirdo
R: we have sleepovers all the time
Y: exactly
R: like this weekend
M: and I'm not invited... dang
Y: ewwwwww straight from playboy book 101
Roshaun laughs
R: we don't accept creeps mattia sorry this isn't a intervention it's a sleepover
M: I thought we were friends but ok
R: fine come
Y: wait what
R: Yh let him come
Y: bruh
R: it will be funny evryone I'm the group can
Y: ok let me text mar
R: I'll text the gc
Y: dejaune u wanna come
D: for sure

Skip too after school Friday bc I'm too lazy
We were all chilling then decide too get food so we got im our cars and went then drove too my house
M: who knew you where this loaded
Y: Roshaun
R: this is NOTHING for her trust me
Y: um yes it is it's my house
R: and her puppy is the only dog I get along with
You laugh
Alvaro: dog ?
Y: puppy don't worry let's go
You get in and chill in the living room just watching Netflix and making tiktoks
Y: Roshaun you can't dance
R: u ain't seen me jut hit that
Y: hit what the floor?
R: the dance
Y: I'm surprised you didn't hit yourself in the face
Ale: same
R: I kno you not talking stiff king
You burst out laughing
M: what kind off Latina can't dance bruh it's embarrassing
Y: I'm going to assume u can dance mattia otherwise leave the convo
M: of course I can
Y: show us something then
He starts dancing
Y: it's giving electrocution
Roshaun starts rolling on the floor laughing
Y: dejuane can do better
M: sure
Y: don't be sour even mar can dance better and he can barley see
Mar: ouch
Y: sh
You guys just chilled for a while and you noticed dejuane would look at you a lot like Everytime you looked up from your phone you would see him staring

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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