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From the moment I laid my eyes on her I knew I would do anything to have her, fortunately I didn't have to do much I could see it deep in her eyes, the first time I walked up to her and we talked and even more so when I finally got the courage to ask her out......she wanted me as much as I did, the way her eyes sparkled whenever I looked at them I swear I could fly which was one of the many things I came to love about her, the assurance it gave me whenever doubt begins to creep in.

Soon after the spoken words followed ''I LOVE YOU'' only a few dates in, the way those three lettered words fell of her lip it made almost everything I'd known seem like a lie and only that was true. I live in a small apartment well not because I didn't have enough cash to move out to a better one but it's just a feeling I call a bachelor's mood you know, I live alone, hardly have family or friends over and one rare occasions I bring girls. It was just so convenient not living in a large space with many sections and seeing everything you owned in one look.

At that time the idea was just appealing but of recent Elizabeth and I were thinking of getting a place together, my best buds and neighbors aren't exactly happy about our plans but the understand and not once have they said anything bad about our decisions one of the many joys of buddies and people around you who get you. My friends mostly tease me and have a good laugh about how much I love Liz, the first time I invited her to hang out with me and the guys, they all bonded pretty quickly in fact more than I expected and soon came to understand the reason why I loved her.

Things have been going pretty well over the past couple of months, Liz and I moved into our new home in a pretty neighborhood with good neighbors who would occasionally stop by with fresh baked goods to visit the two latest couple on the block although we weren't officially one yet our love was evident for all to see, I rid myself of all my bad habits and I could see myself each day become a better person all because of Liz, she replaced them all. Being with her gave me the strength I needed each day to become a better version me, to move on and dare to live a full life every single day and I loved her dearly.

It was a holiday when Liz and I were planning to go on a camping trip with her parents who live a couple of states away from us however, two days before we were set to leave something happened, I got a call from Liz's parents who got a call from the police saying Liz got caught up in an accident my heart skipped, that morning Liz had gone out to get groceries and I had insisted on joining to help out with the heavier stuffs but she sweetly declined my offer so much that I let her go alone, she got hit by a drunk driver her mom explained to me in as much detail as she could.

I was scared out of my mind and speed right on to the hospital, half way there my phone began to ring, I picked up to see who it was and could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Liz's name through my caller ID, I answered the phone not letting my hopes up yet, after all it could be someone trying to reach me with her phone .... I hoped not, relive washed over me like a cold shower when I heard her voice followed by the nostalgic feeling it brought to me.

''sweet tart'' she said, a name I earned for my sweet tooth despite being a middle aged man

''Liz'' I half whispered trying to down the emotions bubbling inside. I parked to the side of the road, I was glad she was okay enough to call me.

'' Liz are you alright? God I was so worried, where are you now I'm on my way'' words after words kept pouring out that I didn't even realize she hadn't spoken yet

''Liz? You there?'' I asked not knowing what to expect

''haaa ha ha ahhh haaa'' she laughed......she was laughing, though to her it may feel like a chemical reaction from her brain causing short poofs of air to flash up to her vocal cords creating a melody called laughing, but to me .... at that moment, it was the sweetest melody that resonated deep down my soul reminding me everything was normal, it was Liz laughing and I couldn't help but imagine the way her face scrunches up and the hole on her cheek bore deeper giving her the expression that would cause even the sun to turn grey and jealous, her voice snapped me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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