Prologue: The Disappearance Of The Shiobanas

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He never saw the kid again.

Was it because of the incident the last time? Did the kid despise him and decide to avoid him after witnessing daylight murder? Especially after how he decided to cruelly ignore the kid after that?

He wouldn't blame him. It was best if the kid stayed away from his world. It was no place for a kid like him.

However, he made an oath to himself to protect the kid after what he had done for him. The kid saved his life, and he respected that. Of course, he could choose to leave the kid alone and live his own life.

Although...How long has it been? 3weeks? 4 weeks? Hell, a month or two probably. It was quite odd. Did his family move somewhere? No...with the financial situation they've been in such that his stepfather needed to approach Passione, it just wouldn't be possible.



"I'm sorry sir, but there is no such kid in our school."



He didn't want to go to such lengths. It was too much of a hassle. 


"...I said, what?"


"I hope you understand now. Please don't waste my time."

"I-I can't tell you sir..."

"Why not?"


"Oi. Answer my question. What happened to him? I hope you know what situation you're in right now. "


"His father?"

"Came in that day. Told us he would no longer be attending."

"Is there a reason?"

"No. We tried to find out, thinking maybe if it was our school's problem, we could fix it. But he didn't want to tell us. We assumed it was a family issue."

"That's all?"

"That's all...But he told us to keep silent about it. Then he gave us a huge sum of money."

"I see. But a huge sum of money..? Huh. So he's been bluffing all along? Alrigh-"

"T-T-Then... T-Then.."


" A second later. One of us. Sucked dry. No blood. No one saw what happened. Then he said if he finds out anything bad coming from this, that's the minimum."

"Are you giving me garbage right now?"

"NO!! IT'S TRUE! I swear...Or at least, what I heard from the guy with them. But I saw. The body. So please...spare us...We can't afford any of this...H-Here, we knew this might happen so feel free to take some of the money- Now please leave sir- Please..."

Their expression was a look of fear. He would have known better than anyone. But, that story? Insane. They looked genuinly scared though. 

In fact, everything about that story was peculiar. That bastard would never have the guts, let alone threathen others and having kept a large sum secretly from Passione.

Before that, he had visited their home. But it was empty. Deserted. Everything, gone. No one knew where they went. 

What happened? 



"Sorry to interrupt ya, but one of our men bumped into this old lady, who then gave him this letter addressed to you-"

He narrowed his eyes. He didn't have time to waste on such nonsense. However, he took it out of curiousity anyway.

"Thanks. Ciao."

As he opened the letter, he was met with suprise as a few beautiful butterflies, a kind that he never seen before, flew out. They fluttered around for a bit, then came together, forming into a card. The front had a messily drawn image of a frog on it. He opened it catiously, still a little stunned by what had just happened.


He didn't know how he felt. Relief? More skeptical?  Whatever, the entire day has been one bizarre adventure. 

He could only hope that Haruno was safe wherever he was.

Which...he was, to some extent.

--a month ago--

Haruno wasn't the type to be afraid and cry and scream about something. In fact, he didn't feel that much in general anymore. However...

He couldn't help but tremble at first. He didn't know what happened to his mom and stepdad or where they were. All he knew was the moment he woke up, he was in a dark room unfamiliar to him, and that whoever this man standing before him was behind it.

Haruno observed him carefully. His large menacing figure, the way he posed, his blonde wavy hair, the crumples on his baggy clothes, the heart shaped bands that wrapped around his forehead, waist, knees, but most importantly, his expression, which...was being cast over by a dark black shadow so Haruno was unable to read him further.

The figure started to slowly step forward, closer to him, as Haruno instinctively stepped back. However, his small steps were no match for the man's large strides.

The man knelt before Haruno, placing a hand on the boy's head. Haruno closed his eyes instictively, wincing a little bit.

"Good morning, Giorno."

Haruno opened his eyes to look at his face. This time, it had an expression, one which Haruno could actually see.

Unlike what Haruno imagined, it was a soft expression with a small smile, one that completely contrasted his initial analysation of the man's aura.

Giorno... It sounded like the italized version of his name. Seems like this man didn't pronounce his name right, but he didn't mind. Giorno had a rather nice ring to it. 

"Come, Giorno, this way." The man held out a hand to Haruno.

"...who are you sir?" Haruno finally said after being silent for so long.

"Well, I'm Dio, but you can call me Padre."

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