Chapter 17: Threat

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"Ugh!! College admissions are stressful," Sarah grumbles. I'm in her house supposedly helping her with a Chemistry homework, but that's the least we've done. She has been complaining about all the paperwork she has to fill in for college. Even though she got accepted into various prestigious colleges, she decided to go to community college to stay here with Luke. She didn't want to leave him alone, giving the fact that their parents are never home. Maybe next year when Luke graduates, Sarah can transfer to another college and they can leave together for good.

"Come on, let's go out to. You need a break. You can finish this up later," I tell her as I grab her hand, making her stand from her bed and leading her downstairs. On the way downstairs, we stop by Luke's bedroom to invite him along.

"We're going out, want to come?" I ask Luke who is laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone shirtless, only wearing a pair of jeans.

"Yeah, give me a second to put a shirt on!" he answers. We wait for him to put on his black V neck shirt and his pair of black Vans. Then, we head out. 

Luke takes us to a club that's near our school. This is the hangout spot for most of the school, but I personally hadn't been here before. My friends come here a lot, though. I spot my friends by the bar when we step inside so we head towards them to greet them. Chris, as always is already drunk. Sarah and Luke order a beer as I just stand taking my surroundings in. This is not exactly what I had in mind when I suggested we went out. Clubs aren't really my scene. Genesis and Cristina head towards the dance floor and Luke goes to greet some of his teammates, including James and Dawson who just got here. Sarah and I just stay by the bar chatting a little until Jake arrives. 

"My two beautiful ladies," he greets us happily.

"Hi," I greet him with a hug. 

"How are you?" he asks. After what happened with Sam, he is constantly asking me how am I as if in any moment I'm going to break.

"I'm fine," I simply answer. "I'll be right back." I let them alone and head outside to get some air. I feel claustrophobic in places like these.

"Ya' know, it's not safe for a girl like ya' to be in places like these alone," Marcus startles me.

"What are you doing here?" I snap. I seriously can't stand him and his fake southern accent. 

"Ya' so mean all of the time. Why can't we just have a real nice conversation?" Marcus says.

"'Cause you're very promiscuous and fake," I answer. "And... you sold me out to Samuel the first chance you got."

"Don't take it personal, babe. I like ya', but I'm loyal to the old man. He's family, he raised me when my folks died. My cousins, on the other hand, are pigs. They don't know what loyalty is.  For example, ya' pretty boy Sam, who picks every fine ass that crosses on his way over his damn own family," Marcus explains.

"Well, loyalty same as respect needs to be earned; it doesn't matter if it's your own family," I tell him. "I don't think Samuel has earned the right to ask for his kids' loyalty with the life he's imposed on them. I hate to break it to you but he hasn't exactly been the father of the year."

"Enough with the heartfelt conversation," Marcus says. "Let's get to business. The old man sent me to take ya' to him."

"What?" I mutter, confused. He doesn't really think I want to do anything with him. "I'm not going anywhere. He's clearly mad if he thought I would go."

"Ya' can either go willingly or I'll take ya' by force," he states. "Ya' choice."

"There's no way in hell I'm going with you anywhere. I'll start screaming if you try anything," I warn him.

"There's no need. Ya'll go willingly," he says very sure.

"Yeah? How so?" I ask.

"Because if ya' don't come, my cousin will suffer the consequences," Marcus answers. 

"Samuel wouldn't hurt his own son," I tell him trying to sound sure of it, but even I don't believe that. He's a monster; he doesn't even care about his own son.

"Oh, sweet thing, ya' smarter than that," Marcus replies, a huge grin formed on his face. Anger builds up inside of me. I just want to punch him.

"My friends will be looking for me," I tell him

"That's easy. Send them a message sayin' ya' wasn't feelin' great so ya' headin' home," Marcus says. Seeing as I have no other choice, I do just that. I send them a message telling them I went home and go with Marcus. 

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