xxxvi. wake-up call.

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Wake up.

Colette gasped as her eyes shot open. It was still night and she was surrounded by papers. Some were still wet from her tears. She hadn't been asleep for long. Marisol's voice rang in her head as she stumbled to her feet, patting herself down. She was dry, a stark contrast from being soaked in the Cosmos.

Despite not having eaten, she felt energized. Adrenaline rushed through her body. She needed to send a signal or she'd be brainwashed tomorrow. She'd never see Marisol again. She took a deep breath. Mr. Schultz had always told her to control her magic but she had to ignore his advice this time. The only thing she would focus on is making the brightest flare she could.

She steadied herself, her hands in fists at her side. She concentrated, reaching inside of herself and looking for a spark. It only took a second to find it, the warm feeling of magic burning like a tiny flame in her chest. She concentrated, growing the flame and letting it course through her body. Her veins started to glow faintly through her skin. Her body felt hot. Sweat began rolling down her forehead. Still, it wasn't enough. She could feel it getting harder to breathe as she continued to push herself. Her body protested against her efforts, threatening to give out.

She thought of New York, she thought of Nevada, but most of all, she thought of Marisol. They hadn't had enough time together. Colette had found someone incredibly special. Nobody else had ever made her so happy. Cesar was going to take that from her. Her veins glowed brighter, a red-hot map of thin lines piercing through her skin. A faint glow surrounded her and her body was scorching. The burning sensation made her nerve endings feel like they had been ignited. She felt like she was standing in fire. The heat was suffocating.

She was in so much pain, but she wouldn't stop. She was going to see Marisol again: the girl who found out her biggest secret, the girl who loved pumpkin spice lattes, the girl who gave up her ordinary life to protect someone she hardly knew, the girl who loved her.

Colette's vision flickered in and out, black spots blooming at the sides, threatening to take over. It was only when Colette was about to collapse did she scream, unleashing the energy from her body into the sky. She fell onto her knees as the heat rushed upwards and blasted through the ceiling. The building shook as a huge red flare burst into the sky, hot and blinding, exploding like a mushroom cloud above.

The ceiling bursted open, debris and ash beginning to fall from the impact. Colette barely had enough energy to roll out of the way as large chunks of hot rubble crashed onto the floor. Dust filled the room as she crawled over to the bathroom and shut the door, locking it. She wasn't sure it would do much good against magic as strong as Cesar's, but she had to buy herself any time she could get.

She leaned against the door, sitting against the tile floor. Her body felt empty, as if she had burned through every ounce of energy she had ever had. Her head was pounding and despite the coldness of the bathroom, heat continued to overwhelm her body.

She heard a door slam open. Several sets of footsteps entered the room. She could hear their muffled voices through the bathroom door.

"She's not here!" said an unfamiliar voice. Rapid footsteps followed, as if somebody was running around the room. "She must have escaped."

Colette held her breath. She couldn't let anyone hear her. She forced herself to stay still.

Cesar's voice came up next, angry and loud. "We underestimated her. I didn't think she was capable of something like this." His footsteps got closer and Colette could only clutch her hands together as they shook. His footsteps were right outside the bathroom door. When the footsteps finally stopped, they were replaced by the sound of a window sliding open.

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