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THE CONTINENT of Dicathen comprises three major kingdoms: the forest kingdom of Elenoir in the north, the underground kingdom of Darv near to the southern border, and the kingdom of Sapin, located on the eastern border of the continent. There also exist the Beast Glades, of which a large percentage remains a mystery. Not much of the Beast Glades has been traversed due to the abundance of beasts, which are hostile to travelers as well as each other. Yet, every year, countless expeditions have been made due to the tempting riches one may reap...


...The kingdom of Elenoir, the homeland of the elf race, is located in the Forest of Elshire. The thick mist that forms here—a mysterious effect of the centuries-old trees—deters all travelers; however, the elves, with their acute senses, can navigate freely...


...The kingdom of Darv is a network of underground passages and enormous caves that can span up to several kilometers, wherein the Dwarven race resides...


...The kingdom of Sapin is easily the largest and most populated region on the continent. While this kingdom is primarily composed of humans, there are also numerous merchants from the Dwarven race, trading commodities of many...


...While the Beast Glades house countless monsters and creatures, they also contain wondrous treasures with long-forgotten origins, accessible to those who dare to seek them. Many adventurers and mercenaries have written about the dungeons and lairs of powerful entities and the riches to be found therein, which can turn even the most generous priest into a greedy...


...Between the Forest of Elshire and the kingdom of Sapin lies the Grand Mountain range, which spans roughly ninety percent of the continent, separating the north and east from the west and south...


...While the kingdoms of Darv and Sapin hold a symbiotic relationship for resources, the elves seclude themselves, displaying aggression toward every other...


Closing the worn covers of what seemed to be an encyclopedia of this world, Arthur rubbed the bridge of his nose with his pudgy fingers, downcast. An almost tangible gloom emanated from him. He let out an audible half-sigh, which seemed appropriate from his toothless mouth.

"Ah, fu..."

Beginning after the end |VOLUME ONE|; Early yearsWhere stories live. Discover now