where our souls reside

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Estelle never did return to the willow tree. Ciana continued to write letters though she knew there would never be a response.

It's been two years since the day Estelle gave her the ring. She's worn it everyday since. To her it felt like a reminder that someone in this world loved her. Or she thought.

Its exactly two years from that day. Ciana sat under the willow tree on this night just as she had done for all those years before. She heard rustling through the grass and thought that her Starlit had finally come to see her again after all this time.

She was right about one thing. It was her Starlit. But she wasn't there to see Ciana. She wasn't alone either. She was laughing and running through the field of dandelions, never stepping far enough to reach the tree. Soon enough, a young boy, looking to be the same age as the two 16 year old girls, ran up behind her and playfully tackled her to the ground. She heard Estelle's melodic laugh from where she sat. She watched as the boy kissed her Starlits lips. Just as she had fantasized about doing since that day they met 7 years ago.

Estelle had told Ciana that she was where her soul resided. Maybe it resides with him now, she thought.

Ciana's heart broke into a million pieces. No one in this world loves me, she thought.

From that day, she blamed herself for being unlovable. So much to the point where the one person who she thought would be with her forever even just in spirit, didn't want to be anymore. It broke her.

The young girl went straight home after. It broke her heart a million times over as she replayed what she'd seen over and over in her head.

From that day on, the young princess never felt like she did with Estelle. She continued to go to the tree in hopes of Estelle writing to her. But there was never anything there. She was never there. After a few months, Ciana gave up hope. She had accepted that the girl just wouldn't be there.

From that day on, the young princess never showed a real smile again. No genuine laughter. There was too much hurt. She wanted Estelle but Estelle didn't want her. She couldn't bare the thought.

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