Lost light

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After this happened, I have many questions, but I have no answers but maybe here I can get some. So, this happened to me a couple of weeks ago I am an average man who lived in one of those nameless small towns with only a small handful of houses with most of the hoses being vacant, but I did know my neighbors quite well. instead of watching TV or doing anything related to tech like normal people we did stuff outside the reason why as this small town had a huge problem when it came to blackouts, I'm sure it was every other week we would get a 2-hour blackout, I guess that's the reason during my night walk I wasn't scared when it happened again.

The neighborhood went black as darkness befell it; I remember not really caring I was more annoyed than anything at least the moon light would keep it slightly lit up, so I continued my walk but after a bit of time I noticed something. No-one was outside usually during blackout we would all come outside and do what we felt like but this time no-one came out it was just me in this black void.

I looked to my sides to see if anyone put on their candles or flashlights but there was nothing not even a single light just darkness, I continued walking now feeling a bit unnerved as I have never seen this place so empty. As I walked the neighborhood felt larger as if they were more houses, houses that never existed, but I arrived at one of my neighbors houses he would always do a giant light show like he was signaling a helicopter with his 3 backup generators but as I walked up there was nothing now at this point, I knew something was wrong. I looked around to see his front door left ajar as I walked in I then noticed something else the Moon light was getting dimmer but there wasn't a cloud covering it there wasn't a cloud in the sky and now that I think about it there were no stars either just a black sky with dimming Moon light.

I walked into the house shaking with fear hoping that there was someone to see as I walked in darkness consumed the house, I could barely see anything, but I continued I opened the windows to allow the Moon light to come in now that I could see better, I saw that I was in the living room, but it wasn't his living room it looked like a mixture of many different living rooms mixed into one and then well when the house was lit up, I saw something I'll never forget there were two people in the middle of the room a man and a woman standing as still as a statue eyes wide open mouths agape it looked like they saw something terrifying I jumped back fear I was taken aback but after the initial burst of fear, I noticed that this wasn't my neighbor I never even met these two but I tried to move them I even tried to move the womans hair but they wouldn't move at that point I was to terrified to figure out who they were and what was going on then I heard a low croaking sound like someone who had their wind pipe crushed and they were trying to gasp for air as the life inside them was slowly chocked out.

I sprinted out of that nightmare house and out to the streets, but I could still hear the croaking it was farther away, but I could still hear it. At this point I had no clue what was going on but one thing I did know was that I needed a light source the Moon was slowly dimming and at the time I did not want to be left in the dark I continued walking not knowing where I was going or what I was going to do but then I heard the croaking sounds get louder as if whatever was making it was getting closer. I ran into another house this one being one of those houses that shouldn't exist this house looked old like it came from the 1800s the wood walls were rotten as I walked into the Kitchen to see a family two kids a father and a mother who was cooking but like the other 'people' they were frozen in place all of them staring at the broken window with the same looks of terror on their faces though they were some differences their skin was pail their eyes looked empty they looked soulless but terrified at the same time.

I then saw a dog bowl but there was no dog just them and an old house frozen in time in this black void. Once I heard the croaking move away, I left that house as I speed walked down the street remember seeing the houses become more degraded and older the further, I went I was terrified at this point and the Moons light was almost gone and the croaking was coming back as I then saw a large house it looked abandoned but I walked in not seeing another option. As I walked in I stumbled back as I saw a large number of people staring at me with that same look of fear; it looked as if there was a party there were signs saying 35th birthday, cake, beers and wine some of the drinks were shattered as if they were dropped out of shock. I walked through the house seeing more people frozen in fear I walked up to see a collection of clocks but none of them were on the same time. For some reason I felt an overwhelming urge to go into the bed room I walked in to see to people in a bed but something was different this time there faces looked normal they weren't terrified I was shocked It was a while since I saw a face that wasn't terrified I moved closer to examine them they were frozen in place like the other ones but one I couldn't understand why weren't they terrified what changed everyone else was but not them I pondered that until I saw a red liquid under the blankets and a blood stained knife on the floor.

I was horrified to see it a murder! at that moment I guessed that's why they didn't have that look of terror it was because they were killed before whatever it was got them but where is the killer and there was a party going on how did they not hear it? But then I felt the urge to check the closet I turned to the closet and opened it there was a man standing in it with the same terrified look but his mouth was opened wider than a normal person his mouth was double the size of a normal person's I moved in closer his eyes soulless like the other ones but then the worst thing to happen to me his eyes moved to meet mine he was consciousness! I jumped back the feeling of terror was overwhelming they were consciousness all of them what was this what happened? Those questions ran through my mind I then heard the croaking sound much louder than before as if it was in the other room, I ran out of the building looking down not wanting to see the thing that most likely did this to these people.

As I ran outside the Moon was almost gone only a slight sliver of light came off of it, I ran and ran until I couldn't run anymore, I fell to the ground gasping for air I looked up to see the Moon disappear and at that moment I felt hopeless I would become one of them but when I closed my eyes and reopened them, I saw that I was on the side walk again the lights were still out but I saw the light show that my neighbor does during blackouts I ran over to the with tears in my eyes I saw that the stars and the moon was back as I ran up the were drinking and partying some asked me where I was I wanted to tell them but if I did it would sound crazy so I made up some lie about wandering too far off and that was it.

Now this may seem insane and it is if I didn't experience this myself, I would think it's a lie but hear me out. I'm not here to make you believe I'm here because I want answers what was that place why was light gone in that world why was time messed up what happened to those people and what was that thing that made those sounds, I may be the only person who this has happened to but I'm posting this in the hopes that someone has answers and by the way I don't live in that neighborhood anymore I never want to go through that again. 

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