Tjhd dramnyaw

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Then red stars in g8rlofmvfiend s eyws worry kapi. hes not going to piss his pants in front of his love.

Firkfcridn suddnel,y slaps her fngers tofether a d sharb,= blart blasts through kapis pants. He shat himsefl. Oh noes|!!!1111!1!!!!1|!!! *sob emoji*

IKapi vbvlsuhnes bgtuj girlfriend loks at hjm witha  pissy expertssion. How colme her smurf midget boyfriend can shrvuve a hot zombie clown (flushed emoji here) but not a lame ass unneutered cayt >:(

HGola,tfirndd dries to hit gim but he just sdtarts pissing in the middle of the street on her heels. She nptuis her heals back, disgustwed by his smelly cat piss.

He is cryingv like a little [piss baby rigjht now as he ao,s for girlfriends drtess hitting her in tjhne proccss. Her dress is npow soskedjn piss. *SOB EMOJIO*

''I wasnt gonna yuse my poswers on you you little piss baby catass if you hit my midget boyfriend one more ytime your ngetting the ballcut ballcut treatmrenr.''

Kapio looks atnf girlfirekmfjdkm at shock.  OLKNH B OES!! I MSCARED!! he hinkd. HE DOESNT WANNA GET NEUTY WEUTERED! *SPB EMOJI*

Trki,cy appearsb and wghacks girelfriend with a stop sign (with bones) anb d meaws.

'Thats my thing hot zomboiek clown!'

Tricky picks kapi up and takes him to nevada. GHe doesnrt want antoher vocitim to die to midget smhyrf. Trucjy eats gurklfre=ends ring full fio dry food and procedds o have violent diarrhea rf on the rground. He shendd tear of pain that come out of his mask becase of the darirhea.

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