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She's such a little kiss up. Never done anything wrong. Gosh I bet she even irons her socks. What a loser. She only had one boyfriend in year 7. She never shows up at the parties that we host. I mean its not like she's invited or anything, its just we all show up even though most of us aren't invited. I mean she's gorgeous. But every guy that has asked her out has been turned down. I wonder why?

If only they knew. I just turned down another loser who asked me out. All the girls were jealous but who cares why? I literally had no friends. Not one. All the girls told me I should just accept the next time someone asked me out and to stop being so naïve. Whatever. I walks down the hallway with my books. Just then I ducked my head a little. It was them. The stupid, snobby, rich little popular girls. They all had the "hottest" boyfriends in the school, and somehow they were able to make our uniform skirts shorter than they should be.


Its almost fifth period. I can't wait to go home. The bell rings and I walk out of class and head to the restroom before next period. "Hey goodie-two-shoes," Their ring leader Morgan calls as I enter the restroom. They were all crowded around the mirror fixing their lip gloss and hair. She started walking towards me. The rest of her groupies follow as they corner me. "Why did you turn down Brandon today? He's like the third guy who has asked you in two months." I just shrugged and glared at her. "It would do you some good to hold a guys hand sometime. Oops. Sorry you can't do that, that would be too inappropriate."  She kneed me in the gut and pinned me against the wall as two others grabbed my hands. "Answer me." She said with a snarl. Her knee shoved harder into my ribs. "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" She asked again. I felt intense stares from her friends. "Because I have one, okay?"

"Ha!" She chortled. "And who would that be?" I was flat out scared at this point. We had both promised not to share that we are dating, but I think he would make an exception for something like this. "L-Luke Hemmings."

"That is such a lie. You mean the one in 5 Seconds of Summer? The hot one?"

" Fine don't believe me. I don't care anymore." I stomped out of the bathroom.


On my way home I noticed another car in my driveway. I remember my mom saying that she was gong to trade in our other car. I unlocked the door "Mom?" I called. I walked around the house. She must be out running, like usual.

I strolled upstairs to my bedroom. But someone else was on my bed, asleep. I screamed. The figure woke up. "Babe?" He asked in his sleepy voice. "LUKE!" I screamed as I ran over to hug him. I hadn't seen him in months because of that stupid tour. He hugged me so tight. "Ow." I whimpered clutching my side. "What happened?" He asked. He quickly lifted up my shirt to see what was wrong. "Ouch. Did my hug do that?"

"No. I answered hiding it. "Babe what happened?" I broke down, leaning into his muscular embrace. He had known that I was being bullied for a while and had tried to help me, but I turned his help down every time. "It was the girls." I sobbed into his shoulder. "They cornered me and kneed me in the side while holding my hands back. Th-Then they asked me why I turned another guy down and they kept kneeing me harder. And. And I told them. About us." His arms tensed and his breath hitched. "Well there's no more hiding it." He says, but not in a bad way. He melts back into our embrace. "I don't think they believed me, though." I told his shoulder. "Oh. Dang it I thought we could tell people now!" He exclaims. "Not yet Luke." 

"I'm driving you to school tomorrow, kay?" He tells me. "What no Luke you can't!"

"They're gonna have to find out sometimes and I'd rather not have them spread any rumours." He says. "We'll talk about this in the morning." I tell him.

We cuddled for a couple more hours till I had to get ready for bed. I then broke away from our hug. He knew the drill. He would sleep on my couch tonight and we would talk for hours.

I showered and got out. I grabbed a shirt Luke was letting me borrow. It smelled so good. The combination of his cologne and his general smell was amazing.

We went downstairs and ate the fettuccine Alfredo my mom had made us. "Hey Luke! What a surprise. Is that your car in the driveway?"

"Yeah, I bought a new one with tour money." He replied. "Paige, is he spending the night?" My mom asked me as Luke shoveled down the pasta. He loved my mom's cooking. "Yeah." I answered. Luke never ever would have any bad intentions. He always slept on my guest couch in my room. My parents let him do this is because I have insomnia. Well sort of. Its more of a separation anxiety. Being alone scares me. A lot. I basically have severe anxiety all around. But when I met Luke I calmed down. He soothed me with his presence. But when he left for his first tour it got really bad again. I didn't sleep for two days. My parents began to realize that he was a cure. I was tired of sedatives to calm me. When he came back from the Australian tour, I got better. I no longer needed the medication.  But nights were rough. I didn't know why but I was never able to sleep. I started hyperventilating every now and then. On nights like that, he would climb in through the rope ladder out of my window. He only lived three houses down so it wasn't a long walk. He would just keep me company. We would just listen to each others silence for hours on end. Then he would climb back out the window and go home to get ready for school. My parents trust us. They know Luke has the best intentions.

We climb back upstairs. He grabs his pillow and blanket from the closet. He makes up his "bed" and crawls in. He reaches up to his lip and takes out his lip ring. The room is dark for a couple seconds until I see his phone light up. "Luke," I groaned. "I can't sleep if you have that thing lit up." 

He switches if off. "Night, Paige." He says as he rolls over. "Night, Luke." I answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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