𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣

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Rinerva's POV

It was my first day of my sixth year at hogwarts.   As I walked into the hogwarts express I bumped into someone. As I looked up to see who it was I couldn't help but get deja vu from who I saw. Mattheo Riddle. 

We absolutely hated each other ever since the first year incident. I could care less about what he had to call me or say to me, so I just rolled my eyes and walked past him. I could feel his burning stare behind me. I looked back to meet his eyes. They were filled with annoyance and anger. I really didn't give a shit if he was annoyed. He's an arse and thats that. 

I rolled my eyes and turned back around to go find which compartment Hermione was in. She was probably discussing something important with Harry and Ron. As I was about to pass her compartment she called out to me to come sit with her.


Hermione then told me all about what she discussed with Ron and Harry. Apparently they saw  death eaters and the Malfoy's at some initiation or ceremony of some sort. Harry is under the impression that Draco is now a death eater. I then told her "I mean it makes sense. Malfoy's parents are death eaters so he probably became one too."

She then proceeded to say "I don't know what I saw " I nodded my head in agreement. Draco could be a death eater or could not be she was right it was a just a theory, there wasn't any solid proof so anything could be possible. 

The ride went by fast and before we knew it we had arrived. We then entered the great hall and took a seat at our gryffindor table. Me and Hermione both noticed Harry was missing. As I was looking around for him Hermione started hitting Ron with a book telling him "Will.you.stop.eating. You best friend is missing" with a worried expression on her face then Ron replied saying "Oi turn around you lunatic." as he said this we all turned around to see Harry with a bloody nose. I had my suspicions on who gave him that. 

We were all talking when we heard professor Dumbledore make an announcement. He talked about there some Horace Slughorn resuming his post as Potions Master meanwhile the post of defense against the dark arts post will be taken by Professor Snape. He then proceeded to tell us why our bags and trunks were searched as we got off the train.

 He started to talk about Tom Riddle. As he spoke of him everyones eyes were on Mattheo while whispers started to rise. He then left us with a sobering fact "Every day, every hour this very minute perhaps, dark forces attempt to penetrate the castle's walls. But in the end, their greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about." After Dumbledore finished his announcement we all went off to bed. 


When me and Hermione reached our dorm she fell asleep as soon as she hit the bed. But as for me the total opposite. I kept twisting and turning for an hour until I gave up. When I looked at the clock it was nearly one in the morning. I decided to go to astronomy tower as no one was ever there and it was quite peaceful.

I pulled on my robe and walked out the dorm out the common room making sure that there were no professors or prefects around. I made my way up to the astronomy tower and sat there for a while trying to clear my mind. 

An hour went by until I heard foot steps walking up the stairs. Who could possibly be up this late. When I looked to see who it is I saw freaking Mattheo Riddle. For once can I just have some peace. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the stars. I once again could feel his burning stare. I then said "You know its fucking rude to stare Riddle." still looking at the stars.

He then said "Why the fuck are you here" I then said "I could ask you the same question." He then walked toward me and slammed me into a wall. He was harshly gripping my wrist saying "I don't answer to you" I then shouted "Let me fucking go Riddle before you regret it." He just smirked and said "What are you going to do about it Mikealson." I then lifted my knee to his stomach and kicked him. He took a few steps back wincing while holding his abdomen in agony. 

I guess all the lessons I had on self defense with my dearest brother Klaus paid off after all. I just smirked and rolled my eyes. I made my way down the astronomy tower and to my dorm not wanting to be at the astronomy tower any longer. I then laid down. My eyelids became heavy as I drifted off to sleep thinking about what the next day would bring.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed <3

If it was terrible I apologize

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