Chapter 21- Remember The Time

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*Yazmin's POV*


"It's Zayn .He's......... A W A K E."


"He's what?" I asked in a stunned tone

"We still don't have the full details yet but I think you should come down here. He probably wants to see you the most." Liam said

"Alright we'll be down there in about 15. Thanks for calling me Li." I thanked him

"No problem. See you in a bit."

And then he was gone and I was stuck.

I quickly ran out of bed and searched for some clothes to put on. I grabbed a pair of yoga pants and a Harvard sweatshirt.

"Babe where are you going?" Harry asked.

I honestly almost forgot about him.

"Liam just called me and said that Zayn woke up and we should come and check on him." I said

"Alright let me get dressed. Are you driving or do you want me to drive?" He asked

"I'll drive. Some of your sweats are in the bottom drawer over there if you need some." I told Harry as he was searching for some clothes

Once he got ready, we made our way out to my Rav4 Toyota. But before we got in the car, Harry pulled me from behind and wrapped him arms around my waist, leaving kisses from my neck to my jawbone.

"Everything is gonna be okay alright?" He said in a hushed tone

I turned around so we were face-to-face. I gently kissed him and just sat in his arms for a while.

"Alright. You know I love you right?" I asked

"I love you too. No matter what happens." He placed a kiss on my forehead and we got in the car and drove off.

We pulled up 15 minutes later and jogged into the hospital.

"Zayn Malik's room please?" I asked the receptionist

"Right down the hall and to the left. Room 165."

I thanked her quickly and took off with Harry close on my heels. There it was. Room 165. I slowly turned the knob to see Liam sitting on a chair next to Zayn and Zayn blankly staring at the television screen.

"Harry? Is that you?" Zayn said

What's going on? I'm obviously standing right here too.

"Hey Yazmin can I talk to you for a second outside? Let's let Harry and Zayn catch up for a bit." Liam said

We walked out of the room and I was extremely confused.

"So we have a bit of a problem. The doctors did a few test to test his memory and what all he recalls a-"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I said with tears brimming my eyes

"Well yeah basically. I'm so sorry."


"You have to calm down. Please it'll only make the situation worse if you aren't calm."

"Liam you don't understand. I'm in love with him. How would you feel if Danielle didn't remember who you were?" I cried

"Y-You're still in l-love with him?"

I could hear it in Harry's voice that he was hurt by what I just said. Great. This is just what I need. My fiancée just heard me say I'm still in love with a guy who doesn't even remember me anymore.

"Harry you know I can't just forget about him that easily. I'm sorry. Please it's not the time to get into a fight okay?"

"You know I can't stay mad at you. I just feel like we're still playing this stupid game. I just have to get used to the thought of you being mine." He said, smiling at me

"Wait I'm confused. How does he remember you two but not me?" I asked

"That is kind of weird if you think about it. Did he remember his mom, dad and sisters?" Harry asked

"Yeah he remembers everyone, even Dani and El and the names of our children. He remembers that we are One Direction but some of the pieces are missing like how we were formed as a group and what he was doing before the accident." Liam explained

"That is so strange. So what's the plan? Do we tell him and try to fill the gaps or do we just let it come back naturally?" I asked

"The doctor said we shouldn't force any information on him because it's a bit too overwhelming. So we'll just have to take it day by day. If all goes well tonight, he'll be released tomorrow." Liam said "So if you're talking to him, you are just Harry's fiancée. Don't tell him about anything you guys had in the past because it will just confuse him."

"Alright. Well we'll be hear tomorrow before he gets released. Is he going to live with you or on his own?" Harry asked

"He's actually going home to Bradford until he is fully recovered."

"I bet that's best for him at the moment. Well we'll see you tomorrow Li. Thanks again for keeping us posted." I said, embracing Liam in a well needed hug

"Don't mention it. See you both tomorrow." He said

Harry and I quickly toke off from the hospital. We arrived back at my house and we just sat in the car for a second.

"I think tomorrow we should start planning for the day you become Mrs. Styles." Harry said as he grabbed my left hand and looked down at the ring he got me.

Then it hit me.

In about three months, I'm going to be Mrs. Harry Styles......

Not Mrs. Zayn Malik.

And I'm not sure if this makes me excited or completely heartbroken.


A/N: NOOOOO Zayn doesn't remember Yazmin at all :( :( tbh I cried when I was writing this because it's really sad! Just imagine the boy you love, who was about to ask you to marry him, not remember who you are after all the memories you have. This chapter was well needed and I can't believe we're on Chapter 21!!! Now for the sad news........there are probably only 4 more chapters left. Well not probably, there are only 4 left, 1 of those being an epilogue. There will NOT be a sequel. But the epilogue will be detailed enough. I'm sad it's coming to an end but these next chapters are going to be the best ones so far! Keep reading, comment, vote, share. I'm only going to post the next chapter if I get some kind of feedback so comment your butts off!

-Yazmin :D

I Love You, But I Love Him Too. (A Zayn Malik and Harry Styles Love Triangle)Where stories live. Discover now