Chapter One

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From the dawn of time to the very ages of men, no one knew the forces that controlled the working flow of time. The unseen events that occurs including the appearance of demons hovering the universe. But all these were not supposed to be in place, none of the happenings carried out in the world was supposed to take into fruition. If not for the battle of the Gods.
Researches all over the world have tried pinpointing the location and existence of this God, but the harder you get deeper into it, the more you loose your mind. Different cultures tend to leave the ways of the Gods and focused on their new gods... god's born of mischief and perilous doings. They chose to forget everything that holds dear to the One and true King. They forget to worship and pray. And in so doing, he tends to be forgotten.

It is believed by many, many who tend to blaspheme against him on his rebellion against the other Gods and stole the throne to become all powerful. The happenings behind the reality of the ages have always been a war. Perhaps, God do make mistakes. A mistake of creating a being so powerful that tends to bring everything he created down to his feet. This being called "Lucifer", was considered as the brightest morning star, prince of charming and a god created out of the hardest finest precious stones you could imagine. The heavens and the earth stood tall and mighty, angels hovered around to behold its beauty. But as they always say, good things never seem to last and evil always has a way of uprising.

" Ain't you tired? ", Beliel a best friend with Lucifer along with laviethian whispered across a Corner

Lucifer smiles confusedly.

" What do you mean? "

" Don't you want more. Don't you wanna rule and be a true God yourself. " He whispers as he narrowed down his head.

" What have entered into you? " Lucifer hurriedly closes his mouth looking left and right. " Our God sees and hears all things, you do not want the wraith of the almighty upon you. "

Beliel scoffs as he readjusts himself.

" The God you talk of is what huh?, The big bad guy that crushes anything in his path? His nothing but a proud tired being whose old bones are becoming so lazy.

" You dare blaspheme against our God? "

Leviathian shrieks as he walks toward Lucifer closer.

" Poor Lucifer, what does he take us for? Puppets?, We have a life to live, we can't keep worshipping him every single day of our lives. We need a new leader, someone with great passion and intelligence. We need you to overthrone the almighty and lead our people to an era of freedom and free will.! "

" What rubbish do you speak! Have you guys lost your minds. Or your just trying to make a joke out of all this... " Lucifer lashes out

Beliel grew angry.

" Open your eyes mate. Reality is changing, and so is everything you know. The legion and more wants greater things and possibly to possess their own kingdom someday. We want creation of the new gods. "

" Enough! " Lucifer shouts out. " Enough of all this. Your thoughts are clouded with greed and conception." He breathes in heavily as he walks closer to them.

" You two are my most valuable best friends which I would never forgive myself if anything should happen. Our God is not foolish neither is he deaf to hear what we are conspiring. It is best we all go before thee and ask for forgiveness please.".

Laviethian looks at Beliel.

" Fine... We will. But if things don't work out the way we want. We do things our way. "

They all smiled as they walked toward the golden streets.

Into a darkness breeds fire with thousands of possible screams as their flesh rips open continually with their eyes getting pierced with long spears falling directly at them. A mighty winged angel with a crossbow tied around his chest and a mighty sword yielded by his hands watches the gate of hell as Beliel and Laviethian gets thrown into the depths of hell as they screamed in fear.

Lucifer hurriedly wakes up as he pants heavily. He quickly rushes out from his bed as he shouts the names of his two best friends running into their rooms and favorite places. He flies towards earth as he searches through the depths and corners of it. He finally lands angrily in the golden streets of heaven as the mansion of God stands ahead.

The mighty doors were pushed heavily as Lucifer walks in as his wings flagged out. He looks up with his eyes fixed toward the throne of God which shone so brightly that it was impossible to see his face, numerous lightening bolts strikes continuously in the corners of his throne. Four mighty beasts in front of him and the twenty four elders worshipping him continually. They all bow down at the mention of holy to our God.

" My friends!, Where are they? ", He voice trembles.

Mighty creatures bearing the face of a lion and size of a whale majestically walked out as they snarled at Lucifer.

" You will watch your language else it will be the last words you say", Micheal's voice shook the walls of heaven as he drags out his sword toward Lucifer.

The rage in Lucifer builds up as he ignores Micheal and turns to God.

" Don't just look at me, I need answers now! " He shouted as the throne of God shook.

Micheal tries reacting but God signals a stop.

The room grew so silent that the voice of God filled the room deeply and mightly.

" Lucifer, my favorite creation and my perfect vocalist. Why has thou decided to stain thou purity. You defend beings who have sworn within their minds to carry out rebellious act against their Lord. And you dare dispute your loyalty by barging into the mighty throne room and raise your voice against your God! " Heaven shook mightly as the angels fear upon what might be happening.

" I am not afriad of you anymore, God, Jehovah, Almighty or whatever you call yourself. Your say means nothing. Just hand over my friends and you can have your kingdom all to yourself." his wings widens.

" Lucifer! " God hits his throne as a mighty force destroys quarter of heaven as it throws Lucifer hitting his head hard on the door.

" Don't push me" the mighty creatures walks toward Lucifer as he steps back slowly. " And as for Beliel and Laviethian, they shall remain in hell until ten million years with torments and tortures of the wallows. Mercy shall be given to you today but next time, you will face your purnishment for eternity"

Lucifer clutches his fist angrily with tears from his eyes.

" I don't need your stupid mercy anymore. They were all right about you. You suck!. ," He looks up to him slowly with bloodshot eyes. " Mark my words, my days upon this existence shall be a reckoning to you. You don't need to send me to hell. I will go there my very self. And finally come back and reclaim that throne that rightfully belongs to me!

Micheal grabs his sword by the hell as he watches Lucifer intensively.

" Your reign will come to an end and I swear upon my life that I will do everything possible to make sure I oppose everything you love and put them down with me. "

" Your wisdom shall be your doom. " God says as he waves his hands unleashing a great wind at him as it blew him out of the throne.

Micheal turns toward God as he bows.

" What would you have me do?, We can't just watch him carry out what's on his mind?. He needs to be stopped now! "

" I can on the spot suck the life out from him where he speaks but his purpose is for he who understands the ways of the Gods" God spoke out as he sits back with the beasts and twenty four elders continuing in their worship.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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