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Author note: This is definitely going to contain *spanking* however, unlike some of my older stories, the spanking is going to make more sense and be entirely dependent on the spankee having the desire to be spanked. Nonsexual. I don't do smut here, sorry. I'm just a spanko trying to appease the spanko gods.

  So let's begin!

  Prologue: Don't Disappoint Me, Again.

    Everything happens for a reason, right?

  Luke was having the worst of luck. Two weeks of living away from home and already things were going haywire. After saving for two years, putting money aside and working part time, he felt like the work he put into his new flat was well earned.

  Apparently the universe didn't agree. He received a call from the owners of the complex that there had a been a fire due to plastic being left too close to a burner. Of course, Luke was hardly home so, the wreckage was... Well, there was no longer a flat to return to.

  After a large fine and some time, Luke reluctantly called his parents. He told them everything. They were supportive, but also concerned about Luke living on his own.

  "Mum, it's not my fault! I'm just very busy. I work a lot."

  "You should have been home. You shouldn't be working after cooking anyways."

  Luke groaned and ran his fingers through his hair quickly. The red "hang up" button was becoming more appealing as the conversation went on. Luke's mom didn't need to know he already kicked himself enough about the fire.

  "You need to quit your job."

  "I can't just-"

  "Well you're not responsible enough to live on your own yet either. Come home. Well support you until you're more mature."

  Luke bit his lip, he felt like crying again, but he was thankful he was thousands of miles away so his mum wouldn't know how much she was getting to him. He was also thankful that the work bathroom was big enough to have a full blown panic attack in. Nobody at work knew what happened, but that their manager got called away by an emergency. 

  "I just need some money, okay? Just a little to get me through right now."

  "No. You come home. Well take care of your plane ticket and rent."

  "I'm fine on my own."

  She laughed, "come home. Dad misses you. Your room is still the same."

  Luke hung up. He was sick of the direction the conversation was going in. After spending years saving up, moving to another country, and his mom wanted to drag him back home to baby him. He had been babied his whole life. At twenty, he wanted to live his life on his OWN.

   Then Luke remembered he wasn't the only one living away from home. His family friend, Ashton lived in the states as well. It took a quick Facebook search, but he found Ashton's profile.

  Ashton looked the same as he always had. The only thing he remembered about Ashton was that he always seemed like a guys guy. He was the type of person to back you up no matter what if you were his friend.

  Despite wanting to seem put together and independent, he decided to contact Ashton. It couldn't hurt right? He just needed a bit of support for a week or two at the most...

  Authors note: hi guys!! I'm super excited to rewrite this as a more experienced spanko fanfiction writer! Stay tuned, I'll try to update frequently! ❤️

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