one: night changes

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  "A spatula? That's what burnt your flat down?" Ashton burst out laughing. Luke was right, Ashton was exactly how he remembered. A bros bro. "I'm sorry. It's not funny. It's just, I'm shocked! I can't believe that kind of thing would happen to YOU!"

  "What do you mean?" Luke asked.

 Ashton collected himself, "Well, you just always seemed so put together."

  "I was for a bit. I got really wrapped up in my job though. Things kind of went downhill from there I guess."

  "What job? I thought you won a really prestigious engineering scholarship? You were on the news!"

  "Yeah, I just... It wasn't for me after all." Luke chuckled lightly, brushing the hair from his eyes. All his math skills were being burned up making a schedule at his third shift job.

  "So you need a place to stay? I got you, man. I have two spare rooms, but nobody usually stays here." Ashton almost said 'nobody visits, but thought better of it. He didn't want to come off as a loner. Luke's story was so sad, he wanted to offer him more, but he didn't want to seem overly friendly or too nice or weird.

  "That would be so great. I can pay rent too. I just... It all happened so fast. And I just don't know many people in the states."

  Ashton shook his head. "Save your money. You've just been through something traumatic!"

  "It's okay-"

  "Save your money."

   "I'll find some way to pay you back-"

  "Don't worry about it right now, okay?" Ashton looked so serious Luke could only agree.

   With that, Ashton showed Like around his house. It wasn't anything overly decorated, but it was homey. Luke's room had an attached bathroom and walk in closet. He couldn't complain about that. Ashton was explaining how his mom used to visit when she alive. The room used to be hers, which explained the "live, laugh, love" decals on the walls. Luke smiled at the cheesy decor. It was silly, but it filled the room with a good vibe.

  "You can redecorate if you'd like. It won't offend me." Ashton offered quickly.

  "No, I like it! It's just cheesy is all. Reminds me of my mum."

  Ashton smiled, "she was always very overprotective of your brother."

  "Yeah she still is."

  "I remember your brother used to sneak out just to be able to hang out with us. Your mom was always worried he wouldn't go to college if he hung out with us."

  Luke chuckled at the irony. His brother was in a frat house at a prestigous school and he was living in the states with somebody he hardly knew.

  "Guess she worried about the wrong son." Quipped Luke.

  Ashton shrugged, "you're young still. You might go back to school after all."

  "Did you?"

  "Oh yeah, just for business though. I do HR now."

   "Should I?"

   "Do business?"

   "No, I mean school?" Luke asked seriously.

   "It couldn't hurt."

  * * *
   Weeks went by of Luke working late night shifts as a restaurant manager. He would get home around one in the morning, tired; but that didn't stop him from staying up until three am gaming. It wasn't the best life, but Luke felt settled down. It was okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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