five .

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Chapter 5 :      Titan

(Warning: Gore and violence)

Fear and adrenaline pumped through your veins like a drug.

Your first mission outside the walls wasn't going as planned, and so many lives, including those of your new friends, were lost.

Abnormal titans had ripped through the formation of soldiers, scattering everyone. You were seated on your horse beside Jean; the two of you had become close since the passing of your mutual friend Marco. You were riding the horse like your life depended on it (because it did) and you took a glance at the soldiers around you: taking inventory of who was alive and who wasn't.

All of a sudden several black flares shot into the sky from a few leagues behind you.

This must be bad.

You see soldiers on their horses riding like they're on fire, and you thee a large figure behind them running, stomping on whom ever got in its path.

"Shit, Jean we gotta go faster" you shout, panic making your voice shake. He turns and looks behind him, spotting the strange Titan in the distance. He cusses loudly and spurts his horse even faster.

"Everyone into the trees! Maybe we can lose it!" Comes the shout of a soldier arriving to give orders from Erwin himself.

Your vision tunnelling, you focused on nothing but getting into the large forest; abandoning your horse and hooking onto one of the big branches 20 feet up. You see across from you your friends Connie and Sasha. 'Thank good they're safe' you thought to yourself.

You see more soldiers rush into the trees; some bloody and broken, and some desperately hauling their injured comrades up. Suddenly from the trees bursts a large Titan: very little skin covering its muscle, and a strangely female figure. It had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

Something tickled your memory.

It reminded you of


You felt disgusted with yourself. Why would you ever think to link your Annie with this Titan? Despite your feelings, the Titan really did look like her.

But you didn't hate it.

As horrible as this thing was, and though it killed many of your comrades, you didn't feel the revulsion or the hatred towards it.

Because it looked so much like Annie.

What was wrong with you?


Over the next few weeks, you sat on the sidelines as the smarter and more higher up members of the survey corps planned to capture the Titan. Their running theory was that this was another shifter, like Eren.

Hearing that made you less inclined to help.

The first attempt went poorly. The Titan was a fraction of a second too quick, and the genius plan with ropes and wires brought it down, but didn't take it out. As you and the other scouts hid the trees, the female Titan screamed, loud and shrill, attracting every Titan around.

What was supposed to be a reveal of the owner became a swarm of titans consuming your specimen, and it was too dangerous to do anything before the culprit slipped away.

One day, a couple weeks later, you were asked to meet the higher ups in one of the offices. You were confused as to what they wanted with a B level solider like you, and you let it show on your face as you entered the room.

Sitting around a large table were the commander Erwin Smith, Captain Levi Ackerman, Section Commander Hanji Zoe, and a few of your friends, most noticeably Armin, Mikasa, and Eren.

"Good evening cadet L/n Erwin Smith said, gesturing for you to take a seat at the table.

"We've got a possible lead on the female Titan, and we need your help getting close. As much as we need your help l/n, unfortunately you are not going to like it." Your stomach dropped at those last words. What was happening?

"I think Annie is the female Titan" Armin said from his seat across the table.

Your eyes widen in shock as you look around the table, looking for any doubt or argument to Armin's statement.

There was none.

"There's no way she's the female Titan" you exclaim, defending the girl you love.

"I know you are close with Miss Leonhart but all evidence points to her" Section Commander Hanji said gently, trying to ease you into the situation.

It couldn't be Annie. Sure she was cold and brutal, but she couldn't be a killer, could she? You protested every single argument they made, trying to convince them it wasn't the blonde girl you loved.

"Look y/n" Armin started, "I don't want to believe it's Annie either. In fact I'm praying that it's not her. All we need to do is just prove it."

You still felt the twist of doubt in your body, but you knew there was no way around this situation. You sat down in defeat, signalling that you would help them with the plan. 'God please don't be Annie' you begged the universe silently. You knew they'd kill her if she was, and that terrified you more than any Titan ever could.

"I know it's difficult L/n" Erwin said, "But it's all for the sake of humanity."

For the first time,

You didn't care about humanity.


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