chapter 1: humans are dust

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Life doesn't really matter, we are all one species on one of many planets. 

The lives of the people among the human race are just dust and energy. And for us to think our lives matter so much is Reckless we hide from our true selves half of the human population has yet to try many things there will always be a first person to do anything in this world. 

Babies are just Recreation and its sad our whole existence is just as being nothing but a seed and then turning into a small baby than being born, next we experiance what we named our childhood where the older humans who made you call them your parents teach you how to live on your own so you aren't a brain dumb zombie Incapable of doing anything then once we attend school they still once again make you sit down for 6 hours for nothing and listen to words being forced into your brain against your request.

 Then you are told to take your knowledge and make a life for yourself and work your ass off in a job you don't even need for half of your life until the stages of your life then you die. So therefore the years really haven't changed from when we were cavemen and women.

 We also labelled what two people kissing is as sexuality. Sexuality doesn't exist, we are nothing just people nothing more nothing less tell me I'm wrong, or can you not do anything but agree?

The world contains pain and suffering and we all hurt each other in one way or another the world runs on Pain unless you're one of those hardcore positive people. we're dust and for the people who take life for granted Are just as pathetic as the others if you're one of those hardcore mediocre negative people who dwell on depression ,sadness and everything negative you're no better than the people who try and stay positive both are dangerous and both are not needed having too much of either emotions and feelings I don't think could ever be positive or negative they aren't good and you shouldn't dwell on them either. life will throw a bunch of stuff in your face and you just have to get over it it might take some time but it will get better but if you keep looking back on the past and you keep wondering about the future you aren't going to live a better life and it might just turn on you for the worst it isn't yesterday, and it sure as hell isn't tomorrow so all you should do right now is focus on right now the present,the time that we are living in right now that's what we must do .

 that is one of the reasons why I can't understand racism and or homophobia transphobia, and any other negative thing that you have against someone of your own kind. if a person is black they aren't different from you and they aren't worse than you either, but you also aren't much better either we are all equal at the end of the day we're dust like I said before energy we're nothing but a bunch of cells and atom's created into what we are today white people aren't special, gay people aren't special either, along with any other human being on this planet.

 And last checked in 2019 the world population was 7.674 billion seems like quite a lot and it is, so what makes us so different from each other we aren't special how could anyone in this earth be special if there's so many of them it's a rare chance for much to happen and considering how many people are on this Earth currently we haven't done many things on this planet we haven't ventured or explored, or find much. I think one of the  coolest things we have done, was discover the ocean I believe we discovered around 5 or 6% of it already and we are already headed to move to Mars interesting isn't it Waters so big and we've only discovered so little of it so really it's interesting how we're already planning on moving to Mars.

 I believe love is foolish how does it just so happen that out of all these people 7.674 billion exactly but just one of them happened to catch you by surprise and become the love of your life if that were true two people each out of this human race would already be mating together but then again we have people who don't want to get married or give birth, and honestly the only reason why we do give birth while women specifically is because we have to keep the human population going on both genders are equally playing a role in this part. 

but I am curious what would happen if we all just stopped the population what if we all just stop giving birth, what what happened when we just slowly go extinct and how fast would it take for 7.674 billion people to die until we all went extinct personally I think the world would have been so happy if we just started off one by one we've been doing a lot of harm, everything humans have touched has either gotten broken , destroyed and damaged. I wonder if there's other species besides humans. If there is, I wonder what they're like and how they look and how important their role is. 

I find it funny that we say that we have changed and developed so much since we were cavemen and women when in reality we haven't we just got new stuff, got buildings, learn how to make things, and how to communicate with each other I mean I guess that seems like a lot but we could have done so much more if you weren't stupid for our species it honestly makes me sad. 

We're the only hope left in this world, since the world is going to crap. And you're wondering how a 12-year olds opinion matters? well it's simple it really doesn't no one pays attention to Children nowadays they never did actually they see us as foolish and dumb they see us as children who can't learn anything except how to pull each other and play with are dumb little toys. but half of us are smarter than the adults in this world and honestly I think we could take over already.

A new subject we're going to talk about is how birth works or as we call it repopulating. how it works it's when two adults fall in love, and have intercourse. now the start may be gross to children but really it isn't at all. intercourse is a wonderful thing and it is truly something that's amazing and its own odd way. how it works now children this is a part you might not want to look at until you're quite a bit older. Now the people who are mature enough to read this and not laugh or joke about it with their friends, We will talk about how intercourse is done.

Intercourse is when a woman who has the vagina and a man who has a penis perform sexual acts on each other's bodies how this is started is with sensual kissing and soothingly taking off each others clothes. Then when both are ready the man slides the penis into the vagina and then you go from there. There's nothing weird strange or abnormal about this at all. and if you find it strange you're probably just a young child or someone who isn't mature enough to understand that this is how you were born along with everyone else. end the best bets are you will end up having sex at least one time in your whole entire existence of living, but there is nothing to fear.

That is only straight sex beween a man and women. 

other genders can also have sex. It is completly normal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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