Chapter 4: Unfamiliar Territory

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Sorry for being so late! Graduating college is really distracting, but now my schedule is a lot lighter :)



Tender. Everything felt so tender. My skin burned as a hand glided from down my stomach and pressed down on my hip when I tried to squirm away. Squirm away from the lips on my throat and warm skin pressed against my own. I was burning up and losing my way. Breathing was getting difficult, let alone thinking.

"Shhhh," a deep voice reprimanded me, "you're going to have to quiet down if you don't want everyone hearing us, baby."

It was only then I realized that whimpers were pouring out of my mouth and that I was naked. My bare chest crushed against his.

His hand slipped between my thighs and cupped me, giving me some resistance to work against. My hips moved on their own accord. A moan built in my throat.

A dark chuckle "Seems like you want them to know. What a bad little girl you are, Bella."

Paul slipped a thick finger inside of me. I screamed.

I woke up shaking, my body overcoming so much sensation that it felt almost like shock. Sheets were tangled up around me as if I'd been fighting them while my bare stomach was exposed from my shirt riding up. Far up. My chest heaved as gasps escaped my mouth.

And I was in an unfamiliar bed in a sunlit room. Alone.

Chagrin washed over me as last night's events came back to me. The Clearwaters were going through hell while I was fantasizing about Paul like some finicky harlot. No one had ever made me feel that way before, but it seemed like sleeping near him had unlocked a part of me who only had him on the brain. So much for new independent Bella.

A distinct sizzle and aroma distracted from my self-induced bashing time. And I realized the position I was in. Half-naked and post-orgasm in a werewolf's bed. If Paul's senses were half as sharp as the Cullen's, then he had heard everything.

Throwing in the towel wasn't an option, so I threw myself into getting rid of the evidence. Fixing the sheets, running into the bathroom and changing into my old clothes were all that could be done in the time allotted. It most likely wasn't enough, but I was owed some luck. Maybe later I could set the bed on fire?

Finding Paul's kitchen in the light of day was easy because all I had to do was follow the irresistible scent of bacon. Which was funny since it was a Saturday and Harry was most likely still in the hospital. The thought wiped the blush from my cheeks.

"It's 'bout time you got up." The man of my dreams looked his usual - cranky. His hair was messy and he was leaning against the counter shirtless. With the skillet sizzling right next to him.

It was distracting. "How is the bacon not burning you?" Before Charlie died, cooking was a part of my daily routine. It always had been because the Lord knew that Renee could hardly feed herself, let alone me. So seeing someone cooking bacon damn near naked was almost traumatizing.

His lips curved. "The interrogation begins." He sauntered over to me, and my eyes couldn't help dipping to where his jeans sat precariously low on his hips which made my mouth dry. "My patrol starts in a bit so I have to actually tell you since Sam alpha-ordered me. Swan, my eyes are up here."

Feeling caught out, I tried my best to focus on his face. He looked amused at my antics. "Alpha-ordered? What does that mean?"

"That you and I have to discuss this. Ignoring it isn't an option anymore."

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