What The Hell

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I've never liked this world. I always thought it was bland.
Sure there are things that are enjoyable, but they can easily just be eradicated.
Honestly everyone is such a nuisance.
What's the point in living if we'll get our shit taken from us.
I hate sinners.
Yet here I am becoming one.
Though this gives me the chance to kill them.

T h e y
S h o u l d
J u s t
D i e!

Vixen POV

Where the hell am I?

I couldn't see anything. Not well anyway. All I could see were blurred visions of people standing in front and behind me.

I couldn't speak, or blink, I couldn't do anything other than stand there.

Doing what was logical, I tapped on the shoulder of whoever was in front of me. She turned around, one of her eyes hanging out of her socket, it seemed that half her face was melted off.

I jumped back accidentally bumping into the person behind me. I turned around quickly and attempted to apologize however I was cut off as they gave me a gentle smile and waved me off.

I smiled... well, tried to but I couldn't do it, it was hard to express my emotions. I turned back to whom I tapped on before and seen she was talking to the person in front of me. She turned back to me and I waved and started to try and talk with my hands since speaking wasn't going to work.

???: Hm? What happened to you. Your head is completely missing.

I jumped a bit and felt around my face, if it was there that is

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I jumped a bit and felt around my face, if it was there that is. All I felt was cold air coming from what I guessed was my neck. Before I could do anything else I was suddenly dragged down by Orange Hands. I tried to reach out but it took my arms and held them down.

I was falling.

Still was surprisingly.

I then felt hard concrete and a crack as pain rushed through my body, causing me to writhe pain. Whatever I landed on, that shit hurt like fuckin hell. I got up and looked around.

I didn't see there was anyone near me since I couldn't sense anyone. However despite me not having a head to have ears, I heard some people talking. I tried to navigate my way towards them and eventually made it.

???1: Oh! There you are!

???2: Ha...?

The first one that spoke sounded fond of me while the second was rather confused. I shyly wave at them.

???1: Don't just stand there come over here.

I couldn't really tell where I was going at the point, I couldn't see much since my vision, if you can call it that, was still blurred. I suddenly felt someone hold my hand and guide me over to them.

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