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"Your babies are fine, Miss Jefferson," she did this action and started smiling so wildly. I couldn't believe it, or Am I just hearing things? Did she just say 'your babies are fine?'

"Babies?" I asked perplexed. One, okay. But two?? It clogged my vision and I could see two figures, clearly. Seems like she had done some changes in the machine.

"There, right at the centre is the placenta meaning that they are fraternal, their sexes would be out the next month," She told and again smiled wildly.

There they were my little peanut and shrimp. They were so tiny that I could stare at them forever.

"I would say they would come out in February mids,"

Oh my god! I actually could hold them in just hum, five more months!

The doc asked If I wanted copies and hell yeah I need it more than anything. I collected the pics and she rubbed the gell off from me.

"We will meet after a month this same day," She said as she strode off from the room while my aunt and Reece came rushing.

They looked at the photos and I revealed that I am having twins and they couldn't be more happy.

We reached the car and My aunt asked me to sit in the back of the car for some reasons. I noticed a blue shiny thing on my right and asked what It was and She said that it was for me.

I opened it just to see a dazzling bracelet in it with a little stroller and an infinity symbol on it.

Me and my weird obsession with infinity symbol.

I squealed like anything and ride back home was delightful about the babys' future and stuff.

I never loved anything thish much. I already feel connected to my children. They are mine, going to be only mine. Although, they wouldn't get the dad's love as I got from my dad. It felt like a punch in my heart. But my aunt, uncle and Reece are gonna be there for them. I feel like they are gonna change me, forever. In a good way.


"Come on, My head is exploding, I can't take it anymore pearl," Reece shouted from her car while I was grabbing my stuffs in my room.

I accidentally removed my shirt while removing the jacket and It took me to heaven, on seeing my baby bump. I was showing. I was fifteen weeks long and I already started to show. I rubbed circles in my belly and- "Oh my god, I'm leaving without you," There she goes again, disturbing me. "Coming,"

I put on my seat belt, not suffocating my children. All I could think about was them. Then it hit me like a truck. School starts on Monday and it's Friday already! What am I gonna do? I will be the new teen preggo of the week and my name will be on all posters!

Good time, fellas. A really good time to me.

"Are you gonna sit by yourselves in here or you wanna grab anything to eat?" Reece lowered her sunglasses and asked me like she is one of the mafia's Princess. I wanted to punch her hard, right on the face. But you know I can't.

We got ourselves what we wanted and I asked for a pineapple - watermelon smoothie and it took the waiter half an hour to get me. I threatened her like Maleficent and Reece told her that I am pregnant. She was like, "I get that a lot,"

Ah bish okay then, back off. I want my smoothie ASAP.

She purposely did that I didn't tip her for her worst behaviour. I know it's me, But my children can't know ittttt!


We were off to pay bill while I was religiously listening to Adele. Seemed like my children liked that cause I could feel the bloating in there. And I was feeling a little quirky at everything. Reece was focused on the billing counter and didn't give a damn about her sister standing after her.

I searched everywhere for a seat and I couldn't find it. It was occupied everywhere. And my brain kept going on worse. "Excuse me," I bumped into someone suddenly. As my head was light, that did not take me long to pass out.

"Hello, are you okay?" I immediately recognised that voice. He helped me the other day while I dozed off. "I am alright," I said after getting up from the ground, still feeling nauseated.

The nausea resulted in,me THROWING up on the guy's shirt. "I am so sorry," I ran past the guy and that's when I saw his black eyes. They were dark like ocean, but I could see waves of sadness in them. I also noticed the bright glittery green thing on his chest. The necklace.


I was back home, still having episodes of him. His fingers, necklace and his warmth. I wish I could start over from the beginning, but things don't go that way.

I simply cried , sitting in my balcony for the two days about what life has given me.

Reece was all excited for school and she was getting everything ready for it. She wanted to be the cool kid, unlike her sister.


It's Monday and I couldn't be more nervous that I already was. What if someone bullies me? My children's voice Echoed. 'Mama, we are three now, and we are here for you,'

I could do it. After all I am just pregnant and betrayed. Nothing else.

I threw a sandal baggy denim over my cardigan and Trust me, it is very cold in here except for the mornings. I matched my top with a loose suit pant which masks my growing ass.

I liked silver things. I wore a simple silver chain and some point studs. On my way, I wore my white converse which I recently bought from sketchers.


I was driving Reece to school and now, she is a sophomore so we would have to go to the same school. The cooler kid and the nerd.

"Have a great day," I said driving up to the parking lot. Reece came to the school on Saturday to just check out while I was sleeping it off. So she knew about the campus and she already got her schedule.

I went directly to the office, wearing my leather sandal one side bag. My mom gave it to me and I loved it. There were my children tightly holding on to me and I could feel that.

I also managed to reduce my nausea to a ver great extent. But I couldn't stop thinking about the boy I had met earlier. What if he is here, my babies' father?

 What if he is here, my babies' father?

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