I know who you pretend i am[edited]

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Song:girlfriend by Avril Lavigne

5 years ago......

"hi finnie"

"hey y/n/n"

Y/n was an average girl but a beautiful one she
were just like Finn black hair,brown eyes,and loved to skateboard.

Finn thought getting with her could make a change in his life but they just ended up breaking up over this fight for nothing

"Finn I don't think that w-we should be together anymore."


Finn said as his voice cracked

"b-because Finn were young in love and we probably don't even know what love is were 16"


And with that Y/n walked out of the door and never thought she would see Finn again but that's just what she thought.


"baby is that photo shoot still today?"

"yes we have to be there by 12:00"


He walked over to Brittany and gave her a peck on the lips and she got dressed Finn told you all about his ex the shoot was an 80's theme

she put on the outfit that Finn gave her and she loved it Brittany was a perfect girl blonde hair,blue eyes,tanned body,and only ate salads

Finn liked her of course he just missed y/n... a lot. They did the photo shoot and then they decided to take a walk in the park since the photo shoot was tiring and he seen someone he thought he'd never see again.....y/n y/l/n

"y/n is that you?"

"oh hi Finn it's been such a long time@

He ran up to you and hugged you and you returned the hug"

"who's this?"

"I'm Brittany his girlfriend"

She reached her hand out for you to shake it and you just stared at it and then looked back at Finn

"so how have you been"

"I've been ok I guess"

"Finn told me all about you"

"ok? Finn can we um talk in private please?"

"why are you so rude to me. Actually
never mind your ugly anyway"

"babe that wasn't a good idea"

"excuse me Aren't you the girl that was dancing on that dude at the bar the other night?"


"yea no"


You flipped her off and she scoffed and walked away

"Finn wait I need to confess something


"I love you and I think about you all the time and I'm so so so sorry that I just walked out on you that day"

"y/n I missed you to do you wanna be
my girlfriend again maybe we're 18 now"

"I would love to!!!"

4 years later...

"y/n y/l/n do you take Finn Wolfhard to be your husband for the rest of you life through the better or the worst"

"I do"

"Finn Wolfhard do you take y/n y/l/n to be your wife for the rest of you life through the
better or the worst"

"I do"

"you may now kiss the bride"

You and Finn had a long wonderful kiss and you guys stopped to see your family and Finns
family walking up to you

"Y/n welcome to the family sweetie!"

She gave you a hug and so did Eric

"thank you so much! Hi mom hi dad"

"hey baby"

My mom said She gave you a long hug filled with love

"I'm happy for you darling"

"thanks dad"

"y/n! Finally I basically have a sister"

"and I basically have a brother"

Nick hugged you and stepped back

"baby I'm so happy that your a wolfhard now.I have loved you since we were 16"(see what I did there...with 1D nvm)

"me to I love you so much"

"I love you to"

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