Chapter Four

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  Atsushi's brows furrowed as he slowly opened his eyes. "" What happened..? This wasn't the infirmary, he didn't think. His head and body didn't hurt so bad. He groaned softly as he used his hands to push himself off. He frowned as he did, slightly rubbing what his hands had just pushed up on. And then looking. Hey- those were thighs.

  "Ah, Good morning, sleeping beauty." The low and slightly rough voice of the brunette was heard from right next to his ear, causing him to shiver. "I brought you to my house." He murmured softly. Dazai's hands were resting in Atsushi's lap. "How're you feeling?" By the sound of it, Dazai had probably woken up a little bit before himself.

  It took Atsushi's brain a second to begin working. "O-Oh—" He quickly cleared his throat and embarrassingly moved away his hands from his thighs. "I'm feeling better." His voice was soft, quiet, as it always was during the morning.

  "That's good." He murmured softly, and slipped his hand under the other's shirt, causing him to squeak. "Relax, Atsushi. I'm just checking your wounds." The bandages felt more dried up than normal soft gauze bandages. "Looks like we'll have to redo those." He sighed softly.

  "Oh- I don't.. want to trouble you-" he was cut off as the other suddenly lifted him into his arms, standing up. It never ceased to amaze him how effortless the other always managed to pick him up. "..." Atsushi sighed. He was a little disappointed in himself, hoping that he wouldn't have had any other wounds to have to add to. But here they were.

  Dazai carried Atsushi to the bathroom, where he began to undersea him. "H-Hey- what're you-!"

  "Atsushi." Dazai cupped his cheek. "Relax... ok?" The other was tense and on edge, and he understood that. "I'm giving you a bath, then going to rebandage you up... ok?" He murmured softly.

  Atsushi slowly relaxed, swallowing thickly. The other had no other intent towards him that wasn't to help. He let the other remove his bloodied shirt, and the bandages. Then undo the buckle on his pants, unzipping them and pulling them off, undoing the bandages there as well. He got a little tense as his boxers were removed. Completely naked.

  Dazai showed no sign of anything. Not making any sexual comments. He didn't want to make the other uncomfortable at all as he lifted him up and placed him into the bath tub, turning on warm water. And putting in bubbles so the other wouldn't feel so exposed.

  "Really.. you should relax, Atsushi. I planned to end up seeing you naked one way or the other." Dazai would of course enjoy teasing him just a little. Atsushi huffed and felt his face get a little warm. "...if your wounds start hurting very badly again, tell me, ok?" He shouldn't but it was just a precaution, which wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Yeah.. ok." Atsushi nodded as the water of the bathtub filled to his collarbone, bubbles obscuring his body. It was nice, warm water. With everything that's been going on he hadn't been able to take a proper bath or shower in a few days. "How're you... here?" Atsushi said with a small frown.

Dazai was a Mafia Boss. He had responsibilities. How did he just somehow manage to take care of Atsushi at the same time? "Don't worry about it. Kouyou and Chuuya will handle everything." Normally they'd just hassle him to work, but.. they both understood the importance of Atsushi to Dazai. And he was also important to them, so.. they'd let him be. Just this once.

  "..." Atsushi sighed and nodded. "What about- the members of the Guild?" Atsushi asked urgently. It annoyed Dazai how the other seemed so caring for the well-being of the people who harmed him. "How many are left?"

  "Two." Dazai sighed, seeing how the other didn't look at all pleased with the answer. "Poe and Lucy." He murmured, crossing his arms. "You shouldn't be worrying about them. They're evil." That was ironic. Osamu Dazai, calling someone else evil. But, it's what he truly felt. Not even someone as evil as himself could lay a hand on Atsushi and yet... so many people did it with ease.

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