Am i Going Crazy?

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Suddenly there was a tap at my window. It was a small tap but I could hear it. At first when I herd it I just thought it was my imagination and tried to forget it, but it was constant and getting louder. As each second passed I became more scared and I did not want to get up and see what it was. My fear did not get the best of me and I was soon off my feet and walking to my window. As I got closer the taps got louder and I was shaking as I walked but continued on to the window.

I have a huge green curtain blocking my window and it was not see through, so whoever or whatever was outside my window it did not need to see through it to know I was coming to look at them or it. I on the other hand need to move the big curtain to see what was on the other side. As soon as I touched the curtain the taping turned in to a knock and then bangs, but the moment I moved the curtain ever so slightly everything went silent.

I opened the curtain all the way and nothing was there I was staring at nothing but the broken swing set out in my back yard. I opened the window to see if I could see anyone around or running away. Just then a chilling thought came in to my head, my room was on the second floor of my house.

How could someone have sat tapping on my window, a stick, they would not have been able to run away so fast with a big huge stick in there hands. A bird, not likely a bird would not have flown away when I just slightly moved the curtain. What could it have been?  I must be going crazy. It had to have been my imagination, or was it.

When I sat back on my bed I grabbed the book I was reading and closed it, and turned off all the lights except the one lamp next to my bed. I started to dose off and the next thing I knew I was asleep.

I think I should explain who I am and what my name is now. My name is Piper Amy. I am 18 years old and I live by myself. When I turned 17 my parents thought I was capable of living all on my own and kicked me out, and to make it worse the got a restraining order on me, I should have gotten one on them first. That would have made no difference considering I would still be on my own. I seemed to manage to find different friends to live with every now and then, but eventually I would have to leave and go to a different friend. When I ran out of friends to stay with I had saved enough money to go to collage but soon dropped out and now I live in a house far away from my old friends.

When I woke up I was not in my bed any more. In fact I was not even in my house any more. It looked to be a small little house. I have never seen this house before but it somehow seemed familiar. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks I was in a house I have passed many times before it was the blue house just before the turn to go to my work, the coffee shop. I knew what the house looked like from the inside because I had been here with my new best friend Adele. It was a huge party with so many people but I could not remember who owned the house or who lived there.

"Hello?"  I said. Thinking that I was alone and no one would answer me.

 I was not tied to the bed and my clothes seemed to be the same ones I had fallen asleep in. I started wondering how I got here and why I was here.

"HELLO!" More panicky this time and scared to move. I slowly sat up and saw something out of the corner of my eye, but it vanished so fast as soon as I looked it was gone.   

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