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After a week

Abhi and Pragya avoid each other completely. But as kids were on their holiday, they both didn't have any awkward moments of being alone in the house together. Pragya didn't go to her parent's house after that. She is hell angry at them for hiding a secret from her and pushing into a marriage that she didn't wish. She was dreaming about a beautiful life with Abhinav, but now she feels like her dream has been snatched from her.

With Abhi, he is feeling like his head would burst out at any moment. He wished for a normal life, but everything which is happening around him is complicated. His one wrong decision has made his life upside down.

On Such days

Kiara and Sunny went to their school as their holiday gets over. Abhi was sitting in the living room, working on his laptop and Pragya was sitting in the room, playing games on her mobile phone. Her face curves to a smile, seeing Purab's number.

Pragya: Purab?

Purab: How are you, Pragya? Is he is doing something to you? If you feel like that, then tell me, I will smash his face.

Pragya: No, actually he is not. We don't speak with each other and he doesn't do anything that would harm me.

Purab: Oh, it's a relief.

Pragya: But the matter is, what everyone is hiding from me?

Purab: I'm trying here, but I can't find anything. They are not ready to say anything to me.

Purab said and Pragya becomes disappointed.

Purab: But you can do something.

Pragya: What can I do?

Pragya asked, shrinking her eyebrows in confusion.

Purab: You are in his house. Try to get answers from him.

Pragya: Do you think that I wouldn't have done it?

Purab: Or try to get some proof against him. You might get anything. Search his house, find something.

Pragya: Won't it be weird if I just like that search his house. He might get doubt and he is in the house all the time.

Purab: Do it when no one is there. There might be a time when he goes out He might be blackmailing our parents with something. We have to find it. Do something.

Pragya: Okay.

Purab: If there is any problem, just call me.

Purab said and hung the call. Pragya gets engrossed in thoughts.

Pragya's pov: I know something is going on and no one is ready to tell me about it. But, this is about my life and I have all rights to know the truth. If they try to hide it, then I would find my way to know it.

Pragya comes out of the room.

Pragya: We need to talk.

Abhi lifts his head from the laptop and looks at Pragya, who is standing there with a stern look.

Pragya: What is the reason that you married me?

Abhi: I'm sorry, but I don't have the right to tell you the truth.

Pragya: What do you mean you don't have the right? I need an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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