The internship

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It is getting late. There is still some work to be done. She hasn't even eaten her breakfast and is busy getting ready, stuffed all her things in her bag. She is wearing a navy blue pencil skirt and a black striped tee with a navy blue jacket. Her dark brown hair looks neatly combed. She is in a hurry and it is so evident. Everything in her room looks to be a complete mess. She didn't have the time to clean it up. She rushed out and locked her room and sprinted off to the station to catch the metro.

It is hard to run around with a 2 inch heel sandal. Just when she reached, the train started to move. Knowing she can't catch it, she cursed things even being clearly aware of her own mistake of waking up late. But she can't be blamed fully for it. She was working late for her internship. She took the next train and got crushed in the crowd. And finally, reached the "Jaden Publishers, Bangalore."

She worked hard for this internship, as it is a step towards her dream of becoming a publisher. She entered the building and was directed by the receptionist to the meeting hall.

"Jaden Publishers", being one of the most renowned publishers in the city needs huge set of qualities for their employees. They have set-up an interview panel for the intern selection. There are totally 15 applicants waiting inside the hall and the position is free for only 2. There is a huge competition for the internship. Her dark hazel eyes made it evident that she is scared of getting the internship but not nervous of answering the panel.

And when it was her turn she entered the room with confidence. She walked in politely, started observing things as, it is a major skill of hers even without realizing it. An elderly man in his 40's who is wearing a formal pastel pink shirt caught her attention. A name board in front of him read "Mr. Radha Ram, Editorial-chief". He looked wise and gentle but more than that she felt a strange vibe around him, like a father - figure. There is two other people sitting next to him. A lady who maybe in her 30's is sitting right to him wearing a white button up blouse, with the name plate "Mrs. Anushya Kumar, Production head" and a guy with glasses on who looked more tedious is sitting left to Mr.Radha Ram has the name plate written as "Mr. Aravind Shetty, Marketing Manager". When looking at the highest authorities of the company sitting together for just an internship interview reminded her how reputed and important this job is for everyone. She greeted them. When Mr.Aravind asked her to introduce herself, she begin...

"My name is Sowmya Ramesh. I am from Tamil Nadu. I did my schooling in Coimbatore. I shifted to Bangalore for my higher studies. I graduated with my masters in English Literature two months ago. I chose that field of study because I've always been interested in literature, stories and books. I opted for this internship because my ambition is to become a publisher, publishing the stories I love, along with my own writings."

Mrs.Anushya shooted her question, "So what do you think is your biggest weakness?"

"I think I'm the biggest critic of my work, and I can always find something that needs to be improved or changed. I feel this is both my strength as well as my weakness."

Mr.Aravind asked, " When producing a softcopy of a text seems to be less troublesome than producing the hardcopy of a text, why don't the publishing houses switch for producing soft copies. What is your opinion about this?"

"First of all, I won't find producing a text or a book to be troublesome. And I personally prefer hardcopy, because when you have a book in your hands it was like holding a baby. You will be happy just by holding it. That feeling can't be given by a softcopy. And also if a writer gets his/her first ever hardcopy published, it gives a divine feel on seeing your name being published."

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