Chapter One - Walking

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I eyed the uneven pavement up ahead, how the sunlight danced along it and the overgrown plants dotting the path. My eyes fell back at my dirty, old shoes, the sound of the dirt moving under my feet as I walked along the path. My heavy bag sinking my clothed shoulders.

"Will!" A soft voice filled the silent, cold air. I looked up, my dull eyes landing on a girl running towards me, her short, golden locks bouncing as she ran, the smile that stretched across her small face. Angelina Satoria.
"Hello Angel." I said.
"Hi Will!" She said,
"Shall we go?" I said, signalling to my left. Her breathing hitched. "O-ok." She said, a now fake smile on her lips.

We walked along the path together in silence. I could feel her beginning to tense up as we reached our destination, my fathers house. "You know..." I heard her say, her voice shaky, "You don't have to go in." She said, turning her body towards me,
"Where is this coming from?" I asked, slightly confused.
"I-it's just." She glanced at my wrist and her hand twitched, "nevermind." I took a step forward and turned my head to her.
"Hey," I say, placing my rough hand on the side of her face, "My father is a great person, don't worry." I said, trying to convince her, and myself of this fact, her eyes were knowing, she knew to back off. She wrapped her small arms around my slim figure in a tight hug, "Ok. Bye Will." She sighed, letting go and smiling, walking away.

I opened the old, rusty gate and set along the neat garden of my father's brooding house. It was big and made of solid bricks, the finest material for our time. My breathing began to become uneven as I approached the front door. I placed my foot onto the first step, a creak echoed through the vacant wind. I slowly placed my other food on the next one and finally got onto the porch, I gulped and slowly made my way to the door, my breath leaving a small gust of white in the cold air. I raised my shaking arm and placed it on the door, knocking exactly four times, no more, no less. I stood back and pushed my glasses up.

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