Nezuko x fem! Giyuus sister! reader/ Demon Slayer/ My little Demon

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Just a fluffy lil' story 😊

Being Giyuus  had it's perks. From knowing all the Hashiras, to getting trained by everyone; considering you were a very special girl. Due to being attacked by Demon a few years ago, getting a blood infection soon after, you were able to communicate with demons telepathically.

Even Shinobu,  who had luckily been able to save you, couldn't explain what had been injected into your blood for you to be like this.

You however, despised this "power"; because people had been calling you a demon as well, wich always hurt you pretty badly.

It wasn't your fault was it?

But one day, in the hopes of getting you to like the power, your brother  decided for you to meet a rather different Demon and her companions.

You learned to love your gift, and a few months into knowing them, you developed a crush on a certain someone.

You didn't know why Inosuke was so calm around you. Maybe it was the fact that you could be quite scary when you were mad.

But lately, you've been different. Everyone noticed your sudden change of behavior.

The truth was, you had bottled up you feelings, especially the mental pain some bullys had caused you.

You were currently at the butterfly estate, helping Shinobu with the boy's recovery.

But this night, you sat at the small pond in the garden, crying your eyes out in silence.

What you didn't know, was that a certain Demon was watching you from afar in concern, coming closer to you.

She didn't think she had feelings for you at first; yet, because of your loving and caring, but independent personality, made it happen.

You felt a presence behind you, thinking it was anyone but your long-time-crush. You saw her reflection in the pond, only now noticing how bloodshot and lifeless your eyes were.

Had you looked like this all along?

Your thinking was interrupted by Nezuko pulling you into a gentle yet bone crushing hug.

"You can cry. It's okay." She spoke to you telepathically.

What made her even more concerned and angry, was you softly crying into her chest softly.

She rubbed your back in a comforting manner, "Shh-ing you from time to time in your minds.

As your crying went down, she looked at you. You got on your knees, smiling at her lightly.

Suddenly, she took the bamboo from her mouth, opening it.


Before you had a chance to answer, she smashed her lips onto yours. Your eyes widened in shock; but you kissed back, melting into the kiss.

When you pulled away, you giggled:  "Why didn't you just tell me per telepathy? You know what my answer is but still!"

This time answering telepathically she said: "I wanted to tell myself, not telepath dummy!"

You just smiled at the nickname; "My little Demon...." you whispered before falling asleep in her arms.

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Still open for requests here!

Peace out Author-Chan 🐨✌

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