Chapter 6 - The Daughters

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Note: not my art in any of these pictures go check out there websites or pages they should be in the corners of the art.

we're the hell, 160 people hdhdhdh I- wha-

I wasn't expecting so many people ;-; again i don't even know how this app works exactly but I think, I- i don't know. I'm confused.

I've been like studying lady d's dialogue too to help because I suck at writing dialogue for some reason.

Also definitely recommend watching Nicole's streams she plays the daughter Daniela and streams with the other voice actors and Maggie who plays lady d is a God dahm queen I love her so much and there streams have really helped me come up with ideas on how to end and continue this story.

I'm finally giving you teases of lady d soon maybe this chapter maybe not, we shall see. Also a short chapter today I write these before I start writing, so enjoy children <3

She pushed the doors slowly open, the doors creaked and revealed a vintage room. The walls had wooden pillars alone with army green wall paper. Vintage furniture surrounded the room along with a huge painting on the one wall. Curious you walked over forgetting you were attached to the tall lady. You stared at the picture of three beautiful girls. You were yanked back unexpectedly, You feel on the hard floor.

The tall lady looked at you in disappointment and anger.

"Can I look at the painting," you questioned.

She let go of the chain for a minute for you to look at the picture. You read the names on the pendulum.

'Three daughters bela, Cassandra, and Daniela'

You looked back at the tall women and tilted your head slightly.

"You will me them soon," she replied.

You walked back towards her she took the chain and walked you through the next small vintage hallway. The wall paper was towering even above the tall lady. There was a bust of some old dude as you walked towards the two doors. The tall lady had to slowly duck down to get through the door.

The room had a staircase leading to a second floor. This room was bigger then the other rooms you have so far seen. The fire place was hot and there was a small table with beautiful flowers on the table. Near the stairs there was tea set fresh tea boiled out of the pot.  Your eyes sparkled looking around the room.

The tall lady tilted her head towards you curious about your fascination with the castle. You stared up at the chandelier watching the light sparkle from it.

A fly flys by your face. Your vision flashes back to your father's death. Your heart starts to race, you could feel the blood pumping from your heart to the rest of your body.

"Mother!" Three voices all different directions said In a excited tone.

Three of cloaked girls appeared out of the flys walking over to and hugging there mother. Shaking remembering what one of those girls had done to your father you fall to the ground trying to escape but your leg is still badly injured.

"Mmmm fresh blood," one of the girls laughed.

"Not yet she is still very weak from," she paused "unfortunate events," she said gracefully smiling.

She knew exactly what she was doing.

"Which one of you....." you stuttered.

The tall lady looked down at her daughters. The two daughters on the outside and the middle of the three looked at the one in the left.

"That's right I forgot about that, men always taste stale I didn't even think about it," she giggled.

Your heart started to race in anger. The tall lady looked at you as her smile faded, she could definitely see your anger building up. You clenched your fist watching the daughter laugh about killing your father.

Out of anger you ran up to the girl on the left. Taking a better look before your actions, she had blonde hair, and a red pendant necklace. You watched as the other daughters looked at you running up to her. The daughter look towards you shocked.

You threw a punch at her expecting to actually hit her. A burst of flys surrounded your fist and formed back behind you. You turned around quickly getting ready to try again.

Sooner then you thought you were slammed on the ground.

"How dare you charge my daughter after I let you inside my home you vermin," the tall lady shouted.

You could feel her shoe on your face pressing your skull into the hard floor. There was also an odd sensation you felt even though she was about to step and crush your skull.

(Horny ass bitches)

She stepped off you you and grabbed you by the throat, lifting you in the air by your neck. Unable to breathe you gasped for air. Tears flowed from your eyes, her hand wrapped title around your neck.

"If you disobey or try any funny business again to my daughters or I," she paused and her nails grew into claws.


- Horny mfs

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