What now?

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After what felt like half an hour, I decided to take off. Probably never come back, but who knew?

Things happen.

So I walked to my closet and got out my only change of clothes other than my pajamas. As I pulled on by black tee and torn jeans (with my socks and white shoes) I realized something. If I could touch something, then I could probably be touched, and seen.

Just like when I was alive.

Unlike when I was alive, my appearance completely changed. I leaned close to the window to get a better look at my reflection. What was once straight, blonde hair is now curly and brown. My eyes, once blue, were now black.

Cool! No one is going to recognize me! I'm free! And since I'm finally able to leave without being hunted down, I'm going to have to find a way to get some money. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

With that, I opened the window and jumped. When I did, that's when the real chase began.
Alright, I know it was a little boring, I really need to work on my attention to detail and stuff. Whatever.. But I assure you, that's just the beginning of how everything started. Theoretically, it should get better, but that's for you to decide.

Anyway, at the time I didn't have a clue as to what was going on. Then again, it was only a day ago.
So, I left. I was on my way to wherever I was going to go. What am I going to do now though? How on earth am I going to get a job?

It wasn't long until I noticed that someone was following me. I caught a glimpse of him. Male, about 17, white hoodie, a little off.

Something about him just freaked me out. Should I run or confront him?

Then, another boy with sunglasses and a designer print shirt joined him.

We passed a car that had obviously been in a wreck, and two more guys joined the party.

Well, this is kinda creepy, I thought as I started to walk a little faster.

They did too, as expected.

Four... Four boys, I can handle this.

But then another one came from out of nowhere and started heading toward me from the front.. He was approaching, and fast.

Okay... I WASN'T expecting that...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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